How Many Bowls Do You Smoke?

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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I think you are correct. I am not intending to criticize those who are addicted. Just suggesting they may have differing needs as far as pipe tobacco. For example I smoke so little the cost of tobacco is not relevant. Only it's quality as I taste it.
Oh I've seen people who clearly aren't addicted to something including tobacco but use. Either at special times or at a very low rate of intervals. But when someone smokes more tobacco then I do every day and says they're not addicted I think they're in denial. Often the argument is that they enjoy it that they like the taste and relaxation. You know things that go hand in hand with addiction. I am sure crack heads really enjoy crack and some alcoholics will drink the best thing they can. I personally think they'd be more accurate saying their addiction isn't causing them problems or making them do something they don't want to do. And maybe one could argue that even if they are addicted and magically "cured" 100 percent they'd still want to smoke their pipes everyday.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I smoke a consistent 5 bowls a day. Was a pack and a half to 2 pack a day smoker for a decade. The very day I started smoking pipes I have not smoked a cigarette since. I am happier, feel better and do not feel that constant need to smoke like I did when smoking cigarettes. Some days I will only smoke 2 bowls. I just realized I like to smoke, but do to my health needed a less harmful way to do this. Vaping was never a consideration for me. I wish I would have found piping years ago.
Not all addictions are the same. And with almost every known substance ingesting it at a slow rate makes for a less pressing addiction. The ingestion rate with something is how quickly it gets into the brain. The lungs not only absorb things faster then the mouth but the path of blood from the lungs goes to the heart and right to the brain after that so a cigs not only get the nicotine into the blood instantly but dumps it into the brain also pretty quickly like in seconds. It takes a few moments to get from the lining of your mouth into your blood and incrementally as well more seeps into there then it's got to take a trip through your whole body before getting to the brain. That's why pipe smokers and cigar smokers can be a lot more chill about their addiction. It's literally the same addiction but a significantly milder form.

Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
1-3 bowls a day. Sometimes more, sometimes none. Lately I’ve noticed I’m quite often smoking the same bowl over a couple of days, and then will smoke a few in an afternoon. Either way most bowls are group 1 or 2, so probably works out to 2-3 decent sized bowls a week


Might Stick Around
Oct 13, 2011
Usually one in the morning, every weekday. Weekends definately more, sometimes five a day.


Can't Leave
Nov 21, 2020
Grand Cayman
1-2. 2 is usually on the weekends. I am just getting back into pipe smoking. Though I am no stranger to nicotine, keeping my bowl number low at this time is more reflective of me wanting to enjoy without personally overdoing it. To each his own though...
Jan 27, 2020
some people claim that despite smoking all day it's got nothing to do with addiction. I think they're being delusional. For me my pipe smoking isn't about the addiction in as much as I don't smoke the pipe when I am feeling bad from nicotine withdraw but I'am certainly addicted to nicotine if I forget my snus that equals a very bad day.

I've been messing around with snus recently and despite snuffing a bit a year or so ago and smoking a pipe 3+ times a day for the last 6 months of so I can't keep this stuff in my lip more than 10 mins without getting woozy. I guess my nicotine tolerance is low, fortunately and I don't see myself buying anymore of the General.


Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 14, 2015
North cacallaky
Man, SAME. I smoke maybe 1-2 pipes a week. I smoke to enjoy the nuanced flavors and spend a contemplative hour alone.

For nicotine - it’s Grizzly Wintergreen, baby. Not proud of it, but it is what it is. I started dipping when my job had me driving 1,000+ miles a week. It has absolutely become a habit/addiction for me. It’s probably the only reason I don’t smoke 3-4 bowls a day. Admittedly, said bowls would probably be better for my oral health than the Ol’ Grizz. ?‍♂️
Try the grizz in the pouches, that’s my go to when I can’t get a pipe in, way easier to get rid of and doesn’t stick in the teeth. Just remember, both pouches and cut contain fiberglass to “assist” with the nicotine absorption.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I've been messing around with snus recently and despite snuffing a bit a year or so ago and smoking a pipe 3+ times a day for the last 6 months of so I can't keep this stuff in my lip more than 10 mins without getting woozy. I guess my nicotine tolerance is low, fortunately and I don't see myself buying anymore of the General.
what style did you try? I recommend the los since you can make a smaller or larger pinch depending on your needs. Since I started using snus and snuff I have found that if I smoke a cig it literally just makes my throat feel slightly sore. Snus can really pack a punch. That might explain why the only time I've ever felt off from a pipe was if I smoked semois without watching my pace in a larger bowl. That made me feel slightly woozy. My girlfriend doesn't smoke and seems to not get addicted to nicotine but will take a pinch of snus if she needs a little boost. And literally takes a pinch that is half the size of what I make for her when trying to make a tiny little non smokers pinch. I don't know if any of that makes a difference. Also los tastes better.