i rode a Harley for 9 years. I Always wore full gear, including a bright yellow full faced helmet, and absolutely no alcohol while riding. I loved it! It has to be one of the most freeing experiences there is, IMO. I rode with discipline, but was always loose. Then, I started tightening up, for some reason. I knew that was a bad sign, and sold my bike without regret. I guess I had satisfactorily scratched that itch, as they say, and was able to move on with no accidents.
I feel smoking a few bowls per week is far less treacherous than riding a motorcycle, even if precautions are taken. The probability of a distracted driver making a left turn in front of me and running me over are much lower sitting in my backyard with a pipe than riding an MC!
Something like 90% of accidents happen within 5 miles from home.
I've known blokes who would jump on their bike in singlets, shorts & thongs/flip-flops because 'I'm only going to the shop'.
Whenever I got on my bike, I'd have fullface helmet, jacket, gloves & boots, no exceptions ever.
An Aussie Uni study found that the first year of riding a bike was the most dangerous.
They were surprised to find that if a rider survived the first year of riding without having an accident, then that person had a 90% chance or higher, of never ever having a serious accident no matter how long they ride.
The lead Professor of the study said that there was no scientific explanation. He believed that the only logical answer to explain why was that these riders must develop a 6th sense that allows them to anticipate other road users actions.
He's dead right. I also think that one learns to spot little things, like a car drivers head turning to look in a mirror before switching lanes without indicating for example.