How Big Of A Role Do Tobacco Reviews Play In What You Buy?

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Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I recently bought some tobacco to take advantage of P&Cs 20% off sale, and I got to thinking about why I bought what I did. Some of what I bought was to replenish some tobaccos I like and smoke fairly regularly, but I always like trying new things. The new tobaccos I got were: C&Ds Black Frigate, Two Friends English Chocolate, and Drew Estate Central Park Stroll. I'd read a lot about Black Frigate here (that's you chasingembers) and after reading a little on the Tobacco Reviews site, figured it would be fun to try, and I'm glad I did. Like nothing I've ever tried before, big flavors, and rich taste, and a bit of a nic hit, but wow, I'll be getting more I'm sure! The other two were just because I thought I'd get some more SG and GH Chocolate Flake, but in doing some reading of the reviews I came across some recommendations for both English Chocolate, and Central Park Stroll, so I decided to try those instead of the flake tobacco to see what the chocolate taste in them would be like. I'm still working on what I think of these two, but so far they both have their merits.
I normally use tobacco reviews both here and on other sites to get an idea of the general flavor and nicotine strength different blends have. I really don't care whether someone likes or dislikes any blend, because tastes vary from individual to individual. I do however like it when someone will compare one blend to another, as it gives me something else to read about and think if it sounds like something I'll buy in the future. Other times I'll just buy a tin or sample because it looks like something I'd smoke, or if I see a tin in a B&M that intrigues me, I'll pick it up.
So what stimulates you to buy the tobaccos you do?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 18, 2014
the reviews here and elsewhere are useful. They influence my decision to some degree. I usually look for a consistancy across reviews for broad characteristics. E.g. high nicotine, bite, sweet, etc. I don't pay much attention to subtle things like hint of mild Arabian coffee.
Honestly, if I'm interested in trying something, and it's around the $10 point, I'll probably just try it.



Feb 15, 2015
Pretty similar to what you just did. If I see something a member here likes I check it out. Example, member mentioned Cooper, checked it out, ordered it, and then kept on ordering it. Brass/Pax tobacco crawls have got me on Bourbon Bleu. I would hope to think I would have found them both in the fullness of time, but spending time on this forum has helped out a whole lot and sped-up the process of discovery. Thanks to the forum, I generally have a feel now for what I will probably like and have experienced little disappointment of late. I now have around 10 blends I am quite happy with and I am stacking them up for future use.Thanks to all the members for their experience and wisdom.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
I only find reviews helpful in instances where I know where the reviewer is coming from. It helps LOTS if I know what his/her favorites are and least favorites. If the reviewer hates margate and/or finds bohemian scandal to be totally overrated, I'm likely to discount their opinions. It provides a scale of sorts. If we tend to like similar things I'll give anything the recommend a good try. Overall I find those types of reviews extremely useful bordering on necessary.

Jan 4, 2015
I'm pretty consistent with my "go to" blends but when I want to try something new I read the reviews to get a sense of what that blend might be like. I'm not much into the subtitle nuances and frankly some of the reviews aren't a lot of help but there are some that are pretty straight forward and I find them helpful. With some of the blend names out there you have absolutely no idea of what might be inside! There are a handful of reviewers that consistently agree with what I think about a particular blend or blends. What they have to say about something I haven't tried will probably reflect what I might experience. It keeps me from having a cabinet full of blends I tried but didn't like.



Jun 30, 2015
This forum has played the biggest role in my tobacco selections. Forum member's reviews and comments plus sometimes just scrolling through the "what are you smoking?" topic I'll see a tobacco that sparks my interest. I've used the tobacco review website just to get a fuller understanding of a blend but the inspiration has always been the forum.



Jun 10, 2012
New Orleans
I read the reviews too get an idea of what is contained in a blend...besides that, the reviews make absolutely no impact on my 17 years of smoking a pipe, I've only ever had 2-3 blends that I absolutely hated and a hand full that were just "ok". I prefer to try as many new blends as possible. My palate is unique to me and I would hate to miss the opportunity to find "my whale". I do appreciate those that write reviews...their palates are so much more sophisticated than mine...I just like what I like.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
At first reviews played a huge role. Without them I might as well have been throwing darts. More and more it's been based on this forum as well as knowing what I like and getting similar blends.



Dec 8, 2013
Maryland USA
The decision to buy is usually determined by word of mouth (forum or pipe club) or something that just catches my eye.
I usually employ a three step method: buy,try,decide.
Then I will read the reviews to see if my experience was similar or vastly different from others. :puffy:



Oct 12, 2011
I try to find reviews from JimInks if I'm looking to buy a new blend or have heard one is good. I would buy a pound of anything he recommended as being good in the range of tobaccos I like without tasting it! Jim is the the best palette out there :worship: ...



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Thank you, Weezell. Obviously, Noodle disagrees with you because he just posted a bunch of insulting comments about me at TR. He did it here recently, and I guess his evil must be getting to him.



Oct 12, 2011
I consider you a friend Jim, and everyone has an opinion. I just respect your opinions on tobacco and consider you the BEST!

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one,and some are one...



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Thank you again, Weezell. I consider you a friend and appreciate your support and appreciation of my reviews.



Feb 21, 2013
Usually, a review or two won't sell me a blend, although it might act as reinforcement. I think I often start with listing of tobaccos at online retailers, not the sales pitch but the information on constituent tobaccos in a blend, strength, taste, blender if mentioned, and any other details. This alone won't sell it to me, but if I hear it mentioned in Forums, pipemagazine, or described further at other sites and in print catalogs, I might then look for reviews or further comment. The trick is to sort out what is popular from what I might like. I must have read about PC Home and Hearth Midtown series for a year or two before I tried any. I decided on the non-aromatic and felt confident enough by the time I finally ordered it that I ordered a tub instead of a pouch, which turned out to be the right choice.



Sep 20, 2011
Jim is a stand-up guy and, whatever you think about his reviews, he's a net contributor to our hobby. The recent and short-lived silliness on another review site isn't an embarrassment to our hobby - it's an embarrassment to Men. This is at least the second bullshit drama that this site's proprietor has had to deal with in as many years (and on a Sunday night, no less).



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
It's been interesting to hear from all that have posted so far. I guess we all use reviews in some way or another, and I have to say I too am thankful for all of you here giving us your thoughts on a blend that you've tried. This is but one of the benefits of being on these forums.
And for the record, I too find Jiminks reviews well thought out and informative. He gives very good descriptions of the smoking experience with different blends, whether he likes them or not. This is not to say that other posters here don't do a good job writing about their experiences, but Jim seems to do quite a lot of reviewing of many blends, almost like it's a hobby of his, heh heh....



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 11, 2015
normally use tobacco reviews both here and on other sites to get an idea of the general flavor and nicotine strength different blends have. I really don't care whether someone likes or dislikes any blend

So what stimulates you to buy the tobaccos you do?

Well, I buy to replenish my stock of favorites.

Recently, I have been using the search box to type in a Varietal leaf and choose something that interests me.
Jim (JimInks) is a stand-up guy and, whatever you think about his reviews, he's a net contributor to our hobby.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Orley: You know, reviewing didn't start out to be a hobby, but I sure do think about it a lot. I enjoy reading other people's reviews, too. I've bought blends based on some reviews I have read. And there are several really good reviewers at TR and here who do their best to be helpful to others. That's what I consider reviews to be all about. And it is fun picking out flavors when I try new to me blends.

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