Brass: the nutty taste varies according to how and where and under what conditions it's grown and processed. There have been a couple of times when I'd swear I was tasting cashews. Other times - and more often - pistachios or regular peanuts, the latter occasionally in a similar way as if I was eating roasted sweet peanuts. I've smoked blends where I got what seemed like a pecan or an almond flavor. It's often hard to define in exact terms because there are times I just get the general sense of nut flavor in burleys, and other times, it seems more specific.
MSO489: I thank you for the kind words and the interest. I am a graphic artist and a comic book artist, and a professional writer. Because I work at home, I get to smoke all day long. In fact, at every job I ever had, I was allowed to smoke (you can tell that was before all the rules changed). I dedicate pipes to blends or genres, have my favorite pipes and tobaccos like everybody, and find that changing blends from smoke to smoke keeps me interested and refreshed, and often avoids dullness of the tongue from smoking the same thing over and over again. If I didn't taste something quite like I felt I should have, I switch genres with the next smoke. Sometimes, I pick pipes that are easier to clench when I am working. That's why the steady change in pipes... well, that and the fact that I like to clean them before the next usage to get cleaner smokes every time. And btw, ice water is great as a palate cleanser.
Jpmcwjr: I got a good laugh when I read your comment: "My eyes are getting tired; I read the first sentence above as "the Stanford Professor"... " As for Hank Ketchum, I have seen a picture of him with a pipe in his mouth, and of course, he used to draw Dennis' father with one. How much of a smoker he was, I don't know, but I feel sure he must have been at one time.
I must thank everyone for all the kind compliments about my reviews. I do try my best and I do have fun doing it. I always hope they help people make up their own mind about trying or not trying a blend. Even if someone disagrees with my assessment of a product - and that will happen at times since we are talking personal taste that varies between individuals - the disagreement itself is a learning experience.