Honest Question: Why do we Care what a Smoker calls Himself?

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Aug 1, 2012
We all have our little quirks. I am quite annoyed by the words "dawdle," "cattywompus/cattywampus" and the phrase "kitty corner" so don't think I am trying to pick on anyone's personal irritations...we all have them.

However, it seems that some are outwardly irritated by what a pipe smoker calls themselves. "Piper" gets some of us rather upset while "pipester" made some of us have an absolute fit, even though we got over it. "Puffer" gets a small amount of irritation and "addict" tends to make many of us mildly perturbed.

Why do we actually care about what we are called based on our pipe smoking? Personally, It's one of those things where I pick the hill I want to die on. When someone calls me a shortened version of my name, no worries. I usually prefer my full first name unless you are my wife or a friend of some sort but won't make a big deal if someone uses Dave instead of David.

So, no judgement here (see my first statement) but what makes you have an irritation reaction big enough to speak out against what you are called as a pipe smoker? On the other hand, what makes you the other way where you may be irritated by an epithet based on your pipe smoking but have no reaction to it?


Oct 22, 2013
I started using "piper" and "piping" a lot more after I noticed the irritation. That, and whenever I do I get a mental image of a Bagpiper simultaneously playing and smoking.....or piping and piping:)

Seriously, if someone isn't calling me a rotten pipe smoking SOB I don't really mind. Iv'e been called far worse than a pipester, piper or puffer.

On a completely different note, can we call you Cap'n Dave, or is that way too short?


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
We all have our little quirks. I am quite annoyed by the words "dawdle," "cattywompus/cattywampus" and the phrase "kitty corner" so don't think I am trying to pick on anyone's personal irritations...we all have them.

However, it seems that some are outwardly irritated by what a pipe smoker calls themselves. "Piper" gets some of us rather upset while "pipester" made some of us have an absolute fit, even though we got over it. "Puffer" gets a small amount of irritation and "addict" tends to make many of us mildly perturbed.

Why do we actually care about what we are called based on our pipe smoking? Personally, It's one of those things where I pick the hill I want to die on. When someone calls me a shortened version of my name, no worries. I usually prefer my full first name unless you are my wife or a friend of some sort but won't make a big deal if someone uses Dave instead of David.

So, no judgement here (see my first statement) but what makes you have an irritation reaction big enough to speak out against what you are called as a pipe smoker? On the other hand, what makes you the other way where you may be irritated by an epithet based on your pipe smoking but have no reaction to it?
masochism is my guess. Oh why do they care don't know, but that must be why they tell us.
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Aug 1, 2012
I started using "piper" and "piping" a lot more after I noticed the irritation. That, and whenever I do I get a mental image of a Bagpiper simultaneously playing and smoking.....or piping and piping:)

Seriously, if someone isn't calling me a rotten pipe smoking SOB I don't really mind. Iv'e been called far worse than a pipester, piper or puffer.

On a completely different note, can we call you Cap'n Dave, or is that way too short?
Considering I used to be called Stig around here, I'm not too worried ?


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I'm a nicotineer.
at least we're allowed to mention this on this site. I saw one tobacco forum where mentions of nicotine where cracked down on. People couldn't ask about nicotine levels. Also banned on that forum any mention of any possible drug effects. I.e. tobacco makes me feel relaxed. Basically because the owner of the forum thought people should enjoy tobacco solely for the taste and aromas and culture and anything aside from the things it does that makes it a divine gift.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I don’t get why some are flustered by the ‘piper’ term. Definitely not new. I remember my grandmother saying my grandpa was out with the ‘pipers’. Like when he was out with the Shriners.
maybe in his neck of the woods it means something that he can't explain without getting in trouble here. And it gives him flashbacks to that time he walked in on something he wished he didn't know adults did.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I couldn't care less what someone calls themselves. But, I do care what I'm called in certain circumstances. I'm a smoker. A piper plays the war pipes or Uilleann pipes. It's simply a personal dislike is all. When I'm a bit offended I correct the speaker. If he persists I grasp the idea, fairly quickly, no hammer blow required, that he's not looking for friendship or, my respect. It's actually pretty simple. I usually opt not to interact with such a person. Strictly a personal dislike. I'm certainly not flustered, I'm alerted is all. I am really not a fan of people who feel it necessary to label others. Some feel such labels to be necessary ... I don't.

Of course some people select a label for themselves. Or after watching a person for a while, being around them, that person may suggest a label. KnowwhatImean?rotf
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Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 28, 2019
Call me whatever ya want, I know what I am. Call yourself whatever ya want, no skin off my back.
I do usually use the term pipe smoker, as a pipe smoker is like a cigarette smoker or a cigar smoker. There isn’t really like a cigaretter or a cigarer or a cigger. But maybe there should be!?!?


Feb 1, 2010
Because names matter. For a while, there was a discussion on here saying "pipe" was too banal a term so they tossed out new names for it. The one that got the most votes was Personal Ebauchon Nicotine Inhalation System. That was until people tried to abbreviate it, and it was voted down immediately in a midnight session of PM board members.