Homeopathic Tobacco

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Jul 21, 2015
It's the first time I've heard of this. Basically, they take really strong tobacco and press it up against a neutral medium, like dried grass or corn silk. They add flavorings and syrup to the neutral medium. Then you smoke the neutral medium and pick up the flavor of the tobacco for "the ultimate mild smoke." I was skeptical but now I realize this is the ultimate smoke for the normal smoker: mild, slow-burning, no bite.



Might Stick Around
Nov 13, 2015
I'd rather just have the really strong tobacco when they're done with it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 29, 2016
Interesting concept. Over the years, I've found many homeopathic medicines to be nice sugar pills, but the rare "nature has the answer" solution. I'd be interested to see if there's anything to it. Especially nicotine as a benefit or an aromatherapy benefit of some tobaccos



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2016
I do not view homeopathy in a positive light, in fact it is my understanding that its quackery bordering on fraud. However nature does have its cures, think of blackberry root for cholic, willow bark for aspirin, aloe vera as an digestive aid, even the great chemist Paracelsus Bombastus himself believed in natural remedy's like of swedish bitters, the fact that pipe smoking lowered my blood pressure after smoking a bowl in the evenings makes me wonder if this puffing madness of ours might actually be helpful concerning that we live in a stressful and fast paste time period. Perhaps bacy should be viewed as a natural medicinal compound.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
I'm not a pharmacist. I'm not a doctor (though my daughter-in-law and one other friend are doctors). Homeopathic medicine may result in death. Two parents have recently been found guilty of causing the death of their son because they only used homeopathic medicine. That being said, many of the medications on the market these days have direct link to some natural plant or mineral. The difference is in the refinement and dosage which can be controlled by modern medicine and the shot in the dark treatment of homeopathic medicine. Sure, blackberry root may help the symptoms of cholic, but does it just treat the symptoms and not the cause?
I would agree that pipe smoking can help relieve stress. I have used it to do just that but it doesn't do anything to eliminate the cause of the stress and the stress will start building again as soon as you put down your pipe. And, it is the action of smoking the pipe that relieves the stress and not what type of tobacco you are smoking.



May 9, 2015
Estey's Bridge N.B Canada
Two parents have recently been found guilty of causing the death of their son because they only used homeopathic medicine
Sadly the idiot father is defending his actions on Facebook after being found guilty but before sentencing. Hopefully the Judge will take this into consideration.

I have gone a month now without taking any pharmaceuticals after switching to more "natural" medications after ten years of little or no relief. I'm still having a hard time believing the relief is not just a placebo effect.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2016
Pipe smoking and looking at my goldfish keeps my bp down, but yes one needs to look at external factors also.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 18, 2014
"Real" homeopathic medicines will not kill you or anyone. That's because there is nothing in them. It is total BS. This does not mean that people won't confuse Homeopathic with "natural" or "holistic", in contrast to "allopathic". If and when people do this, all bets are off as to what poisons they are eating or what they are feeding to their children.



Jul 21, 2015
Sorry I neglected this thread. I was in pursuit of the really strong tobacco, but ended up smoking a ton of Prince Albert/Dark Burley like the classless Philistine I am.



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
Thank you for saying that. People do confuse the various alternative "medical" terms, but homeopathy has always seemed one of the most bizarre to me.
The idea that the tiniest amount of a substance can be dissolved in a huge amount of water, and then since "the water has memory" that water can be used to cure whatever disease is considered "the opposite" of whatever properties the no longer actually present in measurable quantities substance had.
Yep. It's a Harry Potter spell, and it certainly won't hurt you, until you die from a disease that could have been actually been cured by real medicine.
I don't really mind that stupidity is fatal. I hate it when stupidity kills someone else, like a child.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Every conspiracy theory has that one small tinge of probability. This is why there are still people who deny that we've been to the moon. Or, think vaccinations cause autism. Or, that cigarettes don't cause cancer. Or, global warming is just a left-wing hoax to get rid of SUVs.

Anything can be made to sound plausible on the surface. But, to buy it fully hook, line, and sinker, I think that some people are just hard wired to deny every aspect of humanity. It's easy for them to deny everything, except the least plausible ideas. Believe me, I live surrounded by these people down here in the South. It starts with a deep hatred of education and everything else rolls down hill from there. Hatred of science, science, and more science. If it even sounds remotely smart, then nope, don't believe in it.
Want to dance with some snakes on Sand Mountain? You'll find lots of people buying tons of products to get rid of parasites that no one has ever heard of, homeopathy, herbal cures... but, I've always wondered why these folks don't find some alternative medicine to fix their nasty teeth.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 31, 2015
Trust the medical-pharmaceutical complex. They only have your best interests at heart.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 31, 2015
How do things get officially placed on the conspiracy theory list? Who is the gate-keeper?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Military and propaganda go hand in hand with politics. The whole of history is full of information and disinformation, so this makes military conspiracies run rampant. There's no proving or disproving, especially when human provide the only records. Everything in the military can be offset with a conspiracy by the nature of two sides. It's a little different than the rest of the conspiracies, such as medicine and science.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
People believe what they are inclined to believe. It's why many writers are drawn to conspiracy themes. Easy money, no real research required, with a ready, gullible and hungry audience, eager to believe, requiring no evidence. They just want what they suspect to be supported in some manner, any manner.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2016
Conspiracy theories are nice to read and mull over, but billkay did raise a number of good points the one sticking out for me was the weapons of mass destruction or lack there off, I recall people claiming around 2013 that Sadam had a cruiser boat sailing the ocean blue loaded with WMD, this was never verified.
So perhaps Hilter did escape Berlin in 1945 in a U Boat to retire in antarctica who knows knows for sure.
One thing is sure Eisenhower warned people of the American Industrial War Machine, in contexts perhaps we should be warned against the Pharmaceutical Lobby?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
On one hand I don't ever get prescribed medicines nearly as much as everyone else seems to. When I go to the doctor, we fix the problem or find ways to work around. On the other hand, I have family members who are constantly working with doctors on drugs to keep their bodies in balance with diabetes. Sure, kids drugged to get through school. There are things that I don't knbow much about, but in my own reality of going to the doctor and having friends and family who deal with doctors and their medications I finbd almost no one who thinks that medicine is a big scam.
Now the guy with the green, orange, and purple striped rastaman hat at the gas station, he be telling mon, dat de kids all be drugged to school. He rant da rasta rant. Doctorman, he be giving out de drugs. Making money for da machine.
The only people I hear rant this stuff all seem to be people who have mental illnesses themselves. I have never ever met someone who was rational, educated, and intelligent say that doctors are all tools for the pharmaceutical machine. When I hear this, I think this person is either crazy, dumb, or stoned.
This type of person's reality does not measure up to the reality that I see around me.

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