I know I don’t like cigarette flavors, ashtray flavors, etc. Please don’t laugh but I like sweet. Swisher sweet cigars taste good to me but I know they are cheap flavor. I do want to eventually learn to not just taste base flavor, but to pick up nuisances and sub notes. For now to start I just don’t want to be turned off by a tobacco best appreciated by a seasoned smoker.
I have learned some basics (YouTube) about tobacco types such as Cavendish, Virginia, Latakia, Perique, etc. I know there are also flavors added and unlimited blends. It’s too overwhelming with too many choices. I want to start simple, mild, low bite, some sweet flavor, etc. basically a sissy wimp starter.
Any suggestions for a first try costing $15 or less that won’t turn me off. I can always work my way towards less sweet tobacco over time.