Hello from Indiana, born and raised on a burley tobacco farm in Kentucky. I have been a mechanic, diesel and heavy equipment, for my adult life. Have been lurking here awhile and thought best to join, although I really don't know how much I can contribute. Smoking a pipe on and off since the early 1990's, and just finished a bowl of Molto Dolce in a 1992 J.M. Boswell that my wife purchased for me in 1992. Tobacco interests are varied, mostly English and Balkan, but some aromatics as well, see above. I suppose if I could only smoke one blend for the rest of my life it would probably be Arango Balkan Supreme.
Own four pipes, the Boswell for the aromatics, a Peterson System for English, a Meershaum, and a cheap basket pipe for knocking around.
Thanks, Larry, aka Buzz Saw
Own four pipes, the Boswell for the aromatics, a Peterson System for English, a Meershaum, and a cheap basket pipe for knocking around.
Thanks, Larry, aka Buzz Saw