It's like when we talk about addiction, everyone ju7st assumes that addiction is bad. And, they think that because they can quit for a few weeks or a month or so that they aren't addicted. "I can quit anytime." But, they never do. It's not quitting if you come back to it.
But ultimately, my argument would be that addiction, by itself as a behavior is not bad. I just admit it. I'm addicted. I may not start vomiting from withdrawal, but my kids definitely know to avoid me if I am having to temporarily quit or skip a day smoking.
But, as I always say, if you don't want to say your addicted, then don't. But, in my mind, I know... :

And, if someone truly quits, then you can just go ahead and dump your tobacco and burn the pipes. Because you'll never need them again, right?
Addicted, healthy, selfishness; people find it very hard to shake their own self-imposed connotations.
As to the OP, I just don't think taking a bunch of research that can be found online to my doctor is going to do anything but make me look like a lunatic. And, fooling myself into thinking that smoking my pipe is a healthy behavior will have no positive outcome... for me. I just treat it like one of the many unhealthy behaviors that we have to deal with throughout our day,
and take responsibility for my own actions. Proceed with care and intelligence.