Breaking the skin is harmful? Always? I don't believe that for a minute. Much good can come from the breaking of someone's skin. A tracheotomy to save a life is a good thing. The lancing of a blister brings relief. A flu shot can be healthy. The rapid insertion of a piece of lead into a person can a bad or ...a good thing, dependent entirely on the surrounding circumstances.
I take it, brightleaf, that you believe selfishness to be a bad thing. Far from it. A certain amount of self-catering is good for the soul. The self-satisfied, smugness of a person donating to something worthwhile is well earned. If such is performed only for the accolades, well that is selfish and the resulting good is laudable. Smoking, akin to an extra dollop of chocolate sauce on a scoop of ice cream, is purely self-serving.
Smoking is a purely selfish choice as it does no one else any benefit. Well, it does enrich the purveyors of tobacco products. Smoking is an adult choice to be made after considering the negative and the possible benefits, weighing the risks, as it were, against the gains. The only reason I know of to turn to tobacco is, "I like it!" Purely a selfish choice which flies in the face of logic and some good science. Selfish decisions often do.
Smoking costs people moneys. Many smokers really cannot afford such as it adversely affects family. Smokers reek. I'm trying to think of a positive aspect to tobacco products which are smoked. Their homes reek to the noses of nonsmokers and are therefore devalued. A smoker selling a car which smells of stale smoke will not realize full value.
The only positive I can come up with is, "I like it." Purely self-serving which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Now, even with my newly diagnosed heart problem, certainly somewhat attributable to a lifetime of smoking, I am enjoying a pipe full of Elizabethan. "Why?" You ask incredulously.
"Because I like it and I'm not yet ready to give it up." Stupidly selfish, exhibiting a total lack of consideration for my new grandson, family and others who will, possibly soon, be deprived of my humor, knowledge, and whatever else good they might possibly see in me.
You can come with all sorts of justifications for poor decisions. That doesn't change the fact that it is a decision a wiser or, perhaps more self-controlled would make.