From time to time i have felt a twinge of regret about trading a pipe. I have also spent some time reviewing my order history from SP and realizing how few of the pipes purchased over the past several years remain in my collection. This clearly has been an overfall financial loss. However, as a previous poster mentioned I have never regretted gifting a pipe, especially to someone just beginning to learn about pipesmoking. This has actually been a great joy.
At the moment I am struggling with the notion of trading any number of Castello pipes as i rarely smoke them anymore. Once the mainstay and pride of my collection, i now find that the stem work is so clunky as to be uncomfortable. Still, i like the pipes. In the end, however, pipes are simply utilitarian objects as well as material things. With the exception of a few of my pipes which have sentimental value, like the Dunhill Cumberland with silver army mount which my wife gave me for my 60th birthday and several pipes received from my kids, i am not overly attached to any
Pipe. Of course, i promise myself that I ought not buy any pipes now as I certainly have more than I need. In the last few months, however, i have clicked the button on a Gabriele poker, a lovely Vollmer and Nielson lovat, a Radice Spring edition apple and a surprisingly nice (in light of a modest price) Northern Briars cherrywood with an Ashton like swirled orange and green stem. The purchases make a culling of other pipes more likely.