I’ve never once considered what I was showing in the way of pipe purchases or the WAYS post as showing off, because of the great comradery/friendship, love and respect I see here.
So I just share as a friend is all. ?
I never once gave it any thoughts as showing off, I believe we all just appreciate showing, sharing and learning with one another.
P.S. As for forums, and expense, I believe we all want first great smokers, and we all know, more money doesn’t always equate to a better smoker.
So anything fancy/expensive is more of an admiration for wanting finer craftsmanship, also in hope, of being a great smoker.
So the forum, and it’s members simply help to enlighten use to these truths, which helps us see, you don’t have to spend a lot for a nice pipe, which certainly could be a great reason, for not always seeing expensive pipes/posts.