HiHardcastle are great pipes
thank you for the answer.If I'm not mistaken Dunhill had 2 or 3 pipe subsidiaries to which they accorded indeterminate status as regards the general quality the acquired company would support. Perhaps that was so because they themselves variably assigned which pipes they would sell under their name, Dunhill. and which would be sold by the others. Hardcastle is one of the others and by this respected.
This is the pipe - Unsmoked family era HARDCASTLE'S Jack O' London 127 English lovat pipe | eBay - https://www.ebay.com/itm/Unsmoked-family-era-HARDCASTLES-Jack-O-London-127-English-lovat-pipe/184304233918?hash=item2ae9636dbe:g:kMAAAOSwvWZeypGHIf I'm not mistaken Dunhill had 2 or 3 pipe subsidiaries to which they accorded indeterminate status as regards the general quality the acquired company would support. Perhaps that was so because they themselves variably assigned which pipes they would sell under their name, Dunhill. and which would be sold by the others. Hardcastle is one of the others and by this respected.
Here’s a link with some info on Hardcastle. Hardcastle - Pipedia - https://pipedia.org/wiki/Hardcastle
[QUOTE = "סלסלת סל, הודעה: 36162195, חבר: 22352"]
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עם זאת, נראה כי מדובר במחיר מבוקש מאוד בהתחשב בכך שיש דרגות גבוהות יותר של הרקדאסל המוקדמות עבור ~ 1/3 מהמחיר הזה (בבריטניה לפחות!). אני מניח שאם זה לא היה מעושן באריזות מקוריות וכו 'אז זה עשוי להעלות את המחיר בצורה משמעותית מכיוון שהוא כמעט בן 100 שנה! הדגן נראה גם יפה מאוד. רק השטף שלי!
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This pipe is good?I have 3 JOL pipes, 2 with no flaws and good grain and 1 with almost more putty than wood.
If you can get your hands on a De Luxe ( not special De Luxe) with hand cut stem you will get a real