Happy 4/20 day? wtf?

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Apr 17, 2012
This debate has been going on now for 50yrs, and will continue to go on until two things happen. 1. Governments need to determine how best to sell and tax product. 2. Science needs to come up with a way to check if people are impaired just like the drinking RIDE program.

Once it can be controlled, taxed, regulated, and tested you will see it be legal.



Aug 14, 2011
I don't see countries collapse because they legalize drugs.
Make it legal, make it safer, tax it, smoke it, be happy.
Can't drink and drive, can't get high and drive, same shit.
It's not gonna make you kill the neighbor's dog and roast that puppy on a skewer.
You'll be too lazy to do anything, and too hungry to care that you forgot your pants at home while you were walking to the store for some munchies.



Apr 17, 2012
Being a former pot head myself, I rather enjoyed 4/20. Sitting around with a bunch of friends, blasting Sublime and filling a room with as much smoke as possible.
I agree with the legalization argument but there's a lot of drawbacks. For one you'd get mass produced dope like cigarettes, which is good because it removes marijuana as a "gateway" drug because dealers wouldn't be able to compete with a $10 pack of Marlboro Greens, 420 blend, and in turn kids buying pot wont be subjected to their dealer saying "Hey kid, I know you smoke pot, but I just got a whole bunch of acid/heroin and the like in". But at the time they would start to pump it full of additives just like ciggs.
Another is that there's no breathalyzer style test for cannabis, so it would be nightmare for police..
That's just my two cents.. All I really know is that this year, my pipe if packed with baccy instead of the green stuff..
Happy 4/20 guys



Sep 1, 2011
The real argument is LD50(median lethal dose) which is at what dose will a drug kill 50% of the lab rats it is given to. Nicotine has a LD50 of 50 Mg. THC has a LD50 of 1,270 Mg. Heck aspirin has an LD50 of 200 Mg.
Dont get me wrong I love me some tobacco but it is not science that keeps cannabis prohibition alive and well. Its political is all. Well and marijuana can cause pregnancy! Oh wait so can red wine, never mind..... :wink:



Apr 9, 2012
We decriminalised it, making it a small fine if it is a personal amount. I live under an airport landing flight path and haven't heard anyone missing the runway yet.



Jun 2, 2010
@ schmitzbitz: Who is persecuting you for buying and smoking tobacco? I agree that the tobacco laws that keep us from smoking in public and force us to pay high prices for tobacco are in need of reform, but no one is persecuting people for smoking tobacco. Also, attacking someone elses right to do something in defense of your right to do something else is illogical.
@ treeder: And what makes our argument any more real than those who make an argument for wanting to smoke pot? Our argument, from what I have gathered is that we aren't harming anyone, we use our hobby as a relaxation method that puts us in a good frame of mind and that we are supporting artists and farmers...not very far off of what those who want to smoke pot would argue for their cause no?
@ meech: I am very against the "gateway drug" argument. I have smoked marijuana for a long time and it has never lead me to anything but introspection, creativity and eating more than I should. I think people have to be held accountable for their actions. If they choose to do drugs other than marijuana then that is their choice. Marijuana didn't lead them to becoming a crack head or a heroin addict any more than an Ozzy Ozbourne record lead someone to commit suicide.



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
Ohin, I think you misunderstood schmitz's perfectly valid complaint, nobody wants to trudge through this:




Jun 2, 2010
@marmal4de: It's a gathering of people just like any common parade or other public mass gathering. They planned it, notified as many people as they could by word of mouth or other means, most likely had to inform the surrounding building owners or the police and got together. I do not understand the objection.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
@ schmitzbitz: Who is persecuting you for buying and smoking tobacco? I agree that the tobacco laws that keep us from smoking in public and force us to pay high prices for tobacco are in need of reform, but no one is persecuting people for smoking tobacco. Also, attacking someone elses right to do something in defense of your right to do something else is illogical.
Ohin, in B.C., the so-called "Clean-Air" act prohibits smoking within three to six meters (dependant on municipality) of any doorways, windows, or air-intakes; in addition to transit-shelters and bus-stops. It also prohibits smoking in public parks. The law was written to be all inclusive, not just tobacco products.

This rally takes place in a park, on the front steps of a building beside a transit loop. There are roughly 6,000 people there currently (with more expected to arrive over the next hour), most of them smoking pot in full contravention of the "Clean-Air" laws...and yet, if I light up, I get handed a fine. To me, that is persecution of tobacco users. Not persecution on a war-crime level, certainly, but persecution non the less.

I don't really want to see the cops passing out tickets to the folks at the rally - any more than I want to see a ticket handed to me. I just want to see the Clean-Air laws enforced on equal ground (well, in reality I would like to see them legislated out of existence, but...). If your going to allow folk to smoke dope in certain areas, then I should be able to load my pipe too! Granted, that stance may make me seem anti-marijuana to some; although most likely those folk would be anti-tobacco.
That said, I do support the legalization of marijuana. I've been self-medicating for years, and haven't picked up a crack-habit along the way (in fact, in years past, I've even been a part of that crowd on the steps of the oh so poorly named "VAG"). I hold a pair of degrees, have been involved in multiple business start-ups, and currently work in a legal profession. Most of my friends also smoke. They are also often educated, hold down good jobs, and are bang-up people that I wouldn't hesitate to trust in any circumstance. I don't perscribe to the BS statistics around pot any more than I do the BS stats around tobacco.



Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
Yep, I have no problems with people who smoke pot and know how to take care of themselves.
But when you read articles about the eight year old boy being given a joint by his Dad, well.
I'm okay with medical marijuana, because it leaves room for it to actually be regulated. 'twere it legal, holy crap, I don't think you would like the results. That's just my perspective.
But here's where my opinion gets sticky, because well, there is no real solution. I'd love it if there were one, but I don't see it:
The prison system has some marijuana sellers and smokers, that really aren't doing much of anything to cause harm to anybody, and that is a failure of our justice system. Nevada laws on marijuana are very harsh.
But at the same time, there are probably significantly more prisoners that got busted for pot, and now can't do the 10-20 other terrible crimes there were doing along side of selling/smoking pot.
The way I see it, I'd rather some unlucky pot distributors end up in the slammer for a time, if it means our fallible justice system also locks up a bunch of murderers/armed robbers/sex offenders too.

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