Happy 4/20 day? wtf?

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Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
Here comes old Bob .You know he got drunk again and beat up his wife and kids , kicked the dog .Wreaked his pickup and got his third DUI . But at least he does not smoke Pot . Hypocrites !!!

Not to hate on the booze, I enjoy a beer almost everyday. I just wished more people used it responsibly.



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
I have 0 dog in this race. I see pros and cons on both sides. As a rule I am against gov. telling me what I can put in my body. My only comment is 0 deaths a year. I hear this every year without fail. Someone probably died last year from paper cuts but NOONE died from pot? That is a stretch for me. Not 1 person ever died from pot according to Internet. Not buying it.



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
That is a stretch for me. Not 1 person ever died from pot according to Internet. Not buying it.
In order for a human to consume enough marijuana to be fatal, they would have to consume nearly 40,000 times the amount of THC required to intoxicate them. In contrast, it only requires about 5 to 10 times the amount of alcohol required to intoxicate, to be fatal. For example, if it requires 3 beers to intoxicate you, it only requires 15 to 30 beers to kill you. However, if it takes you 3 'hits' of marijuana to intoxicate you, it would require 120,000 hits to kill you. Thus, it is virtually impossible to die of a marijuana overdose.



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
The math is there plain enough. I don't doubt the info. However not 1 person. Probably one of the only substance on the planet to make that boast. Here is an add for pro pot people. Sharks, lightning, and skittles kill more people a year than pot.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
40,000 times the amount of THC required to intoxicate them.

Thats a lot. It would be pretty damn hard to smoke that much at once. So while there is a possibility of a pot overdose, it's not very likely. Now dying from smoking pot that was laced with something is very likely.



Mar 18, 2012
Seems extremely silly - however like the pipe itself pot has been around for centuries. To each their own. We don't like all the legislation blocking our passion for smoking our pipes, so we shouldn't pass judgement on people if they want to smoke pot.



Apr 17, 2012
Weed of wisdom............these are the same discussions we had over 40yrs ago, back in the day.



May 4, 2011
You can thank Tricky Dick for marijuana prohibition as it exists today. Here's a blurb from Wikipedia regarding the Schafer Commission.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Well, we might just as well throw this in the mix, as well... "I did not have sex with that woman!" (Quote from former President Bill Clinton). According to my niece, who is a teacher, after that remark, kids were having oral sex in the restrooms at her Middle School!
As for legalizing drugs, I say do it and tax the hell out of it and leave us pipe smoker's alone!




Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 20, 2011
In order for a human to consume enough marijuana to be fatal, they would have to consume nearly 40,000 times the amount of THC required to intoxicate them. In contrast, it only requires about 5 to 10 times the amount of alcohol required to intoxicate, to be fatal. For example, if it requires 3 beers to intoxicate you, it only requires 15 to 30 beers to kill you. However, if it takes you 3 'hits' of marijuana to intoxicate you, it would require 120,000 hits to kill you. Thus, it is virtually impossible to die of a marijuana overdose.
This is a bit misleading when it is used to suggest that nobody has every died from marijuana. Yes, nobody has every died from overdosing on marijuana. This does not take into account someone who dies in a car accident or any other type of accident while they were high on marijuana. And don't say it doesn't happen because it does. The statistics aren't there because toxicality tests aren't done unless there is a great deal of evidence to warrant them. When I was 22, many years ago, I was involved in a relativly minor fender bender all because I was high and didn't react in time to avoid hitting the other car. While this was a minor accident it just as easily could have been much worse.
Now, I have nothing against those who want to smoke marijuana but don't make it out to be so harmless. I would probably still smoke it today if it had the same effct on me as it did in my younger days but the last few time I smoked all I got was a nice nap instead of a buzz.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 20, 2011
A: No; not even once. American Judge Francis Young studied all the evidence in 198 and ruled that "marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume." The federal agency NIDA says that autopsies show 75 people per year are high on marijuana when they die, but this does not mean marijuana is a factor in any of their deaths
WOW! I didn't have any idea there were any American Judges around in 198! :rofl:



May 4, 2011
I don't think the point was that MJ was harmless. I think the point was that it is unreasonable to make it a Schedule I controlled substance when it clearly is less, or at least no more dangerous than things that are already legal, such as tobacco and alcohol (although they seem to be lending the same nonsensical hysteria that resulted in MJ being banned to tobacco these days. I'm fully expecting a short film called "Baccy Madness" to surface soon). The Federal money doled out to Police departments for the "War on Drugs" pays for new police cars and bullet-proof vests and night vision cameras and other stuff that they could not get if the War didn't exist and tax dollars were focused on treatment for drug problems, rather than incarceration. The idea that legalizing cannabis will lead to anarchy and violence and rampant drug addiction is a slippery slope argument and a logical fallacy that contradicts actual research on the subject (such as the Shafer Commission). As always, if you want the truth, follow the money. That is the real addiction.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
They say smoking pot will ruin your life, but a long stay in prison will definately ruin you life. So we throw kids in prison (which will ruin their life) for smoking weed (which may or may not) ruin their life. What kind of solution is that?



Might Stick Around
Apr 26, 2011
meech said :
"Another is that there's no breathalyzer style test for cannabis, so it would be nightmare for police"
Actually there is a roadside saliva test which is used regularly by the highway patrol down here in Australia.

Penalties for positive readings include large fines and driving suspensions.
Still hasn't stopped me smoking copious amounts of excellent locally grown weed.

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