Today always gets me agrivated beyond reason. The local "420 Rally" takes place literally fifty meters from the front-doors to the building I maintain my downtown office in. It is inevitable that I will have to visit the location at some point today - meaning that I will have to pass through a massive cloud of pot-smoke to get into the building...yet if I were to light my pipe - or god forbid a cigarette, one of the several police on hand to maintain peace would be on me faster than a fly on poop.
It's not the pot-smokers fault. I'm all for personal freedom of choice. I agree that the taxation income would help governments in these troubled times. But the hypocrisy of the situation disgusts me to no end. Last time I checked, marijuana was illegal in B.C.; tobacco, on the other hand isn't (although I do forsee that changing in the future). Let me smoke my tobacco in peace, dammit, it's a legal product. Why are the guys breaking the law being protected by the police while I face persecution for purchasing and consuming a legal product that has helped to support the Canadian economy for decades through billions in taxation.