For me, I'd prefer the cordura in the pocket. I can't tell you what you'd prefer. My manbag, er Computer Laptop Case with no laptop in it, would get lint in the pistol. Here's an example of a poor holster I think we'd all agree on though: My sister's rabbit holster.
She was very much against guns until she married my bro, who loves them and might even own one. The only one she liked to shoot was a little blowback Beretta Bobcat in .25 ACP. He convinced her to use that for her home rape defense pistol as an improvement over wetting herself.
She is a puppeteer, and kept it by the bed inside a rabbit puppet, so and I'm not making this up, the rapist in the bedroom would think she'd be reaching for the puppet for comfort, and would be surprised when the rabbit shot him.
When I found this out, I of course freaked out, and tried to explain the fallacy of using a single, unaimed .25 shot followed by a jammed and useless pistol, and her response was, 'Oh no, I use my badass bullets'. She had it loaded with some kind of XTP copy and figured her one miss would drop the rapist in his tracks.
Yes, this is the point at which I gave up on her. My bro even had my mom convinced for a while to keep a revolver by her bed. I'm happy and trying to be supportive and ask to see it. It was a 6" Dan Wesson that weighed more than my dog. She was in her 70s at the time. I check and it's a .22. I think, ok maybe that's all she can handle and checked her load. They were BLANKS! BLANKS! Her response was, 'Well, I wouldn't want to SHOOT anyone!'.
You are correct that I took the revolver and gave it back to my bro.
Told that story on another forum and the best response was it was a good idea, because the perp would surely die laughing.