The beauty of the DA for the first round is that no levers must thrown, safeties squeezed, etc. Just get the weapon out, point and shoot, call the shyster and then 911. Eeeezy peeezy mechanically and maybe a bit harder mentally.
Granted, practice, confrontation style, with lots of stress, not target shooting, will help insure that muscle memory, and not having to think about getting the weapon into action, should make the operation of the safety entirely second nature, not thought required. I just like the idea that fewer moves and moving parts, means the weapon is in action sooner. It's simply personal preference. I know guys using 1911's that get unlimbered and firing very fast. It's what you are trained with and comfortable with.
And, I believe weight has been mentioned. If you are shooting the heavier loads, weapon weight has a bit to do with the amount of recoil. You do want a weapon that you can hold on target. Having to reacquire the target for the second and third shot can be fatal. If my old mind is still functioning a bit it was the "Mozambic Exercise" that we taught, double tap the large mass, raise the sights, if you see a head . . . third shot. Sights were not acquired for close encounters. And, as far a I'm concerned, going to a gun fight with a pistol is just plain stupid. If you know in advance, you take the shotgun. The pistol or revolver is for when you make a mistake or get taken by surprise.