Next om my list of amazing people to thank is the famous blender himself, Russ Ouelette, Proving that the pipe community is a class act, and Russ in no exception. We have been emailing for a couple of weeks. He has a big heart. I had told him i wanted to try his famous Black House. He told me to say i needed a sample next time i ordered from P&C. I said "Crap... I just ordered all i could get till next month." So russ sends me a sample of Black House, and Vischer Ferry. The Black House is to die for, and the Vischer Ferry smells amazing!!! I'm taking the kids to the beach today... Im taking the Vischer Ferry too. I'll take the Magnum Opus that Baronsamedi gave me too. Making a pitcher of iced cappuccino to take too. Brewing the espresso now!! It's going to be a great day!!! Thanks Russ and Baron!!!