See... Its YOU guys, the guys that i communicate with and see here every day for the past week, that i am more or less talking too. Where is mick??? Thanks to all of you for everything. There is more proof of humanity at its best on the thread i started entitled "Pipe I Like.. Opinions Please." where a certain Kabong Gives me a peterson. The thread is worth a read, and i think everyone here has posted on it, but even the responses to Kabongs generosity are awesome. Other sites you may find people geing jealous, or having a "smart ass" comment to follow addressing my situation right now, or why didn't Kaboom give the pipe to them, or even a passive agressive response. Humanity is very jacked up. I have told a couple of people my story of my last 6-7 years. You would not believe what people are capable of. Well i guess the guy eating the other guys face is pretty solid proof of how humanity has evolved, or regressed rather. Kabong, i am also glad you said something here of Gods Grace. I didn't want to post about my religious views, but i was saved in '07 and am very much a real, church attending christian. But my faith has been tested completely. I had questioned God as to why he was allowing all these bad things to happen to me. I think maybe he was trying to get me to lean on him more. But the people here make me see him at work. Not trying to turn this into a religious thread. I'm not sure it's even appropriate here. If anyone wants to know my story, PM me and ill copy and paste it from another PM. It's pretty intense. Thanks for the responses guys!!!