I'm sitting here enjoying a bowl of penny farthing, watching all the fun. It's a buyers market out there right now, that's for sure!
If I was to be giving advice to a friend in the market for a polymer, striker fired pistol, a Glock 19 would be my recommendation.
While I prefer to own, shoot, and carry, full sized, all metal duty pistols. I've had solid experiences with Glock 17 and 19 platforms, and totally understand why they make an excellent duty weapon: they are superior in the economics of scale. Relatively light, inexpensive, reliable, plenty of customizable options. If they were a hamburger, they'd be a Big Mac. Predictable, reliable, palatable enough for lunch, you know?
I can totally admire ethical consumerism, and respect when a man chooses to spend his money according to his principles. In my purchasing though, I don't care who designed the gun or where I bought it from...if it's a quality tool that does what I want it to do, that's what matters most to me.
For my part, I don't own any Glocks because I think their triggers feel comparatively shitty, and I don't like the ergonomics in my hand.
When I carry my 1911, I prefer to carry it condition 1, even though mine has series 70 internals (meaning it's not as drop safe, but has a sweeter trigger than series 80). However, I also don't carry appendix...I'm too round for that these days!