Moments after posting on this thread earlier, I got the notice that my order had shipped. My previous order came in a few days and was packed well. I'm hoping for the same fate this time.
Sort of surprised by the emotion evident in this thread. To be honest, my dealings with P&C have been a bit sketchy, but not horrible. I keep coming back. Inventory is often sparse, especially on advertised 'specials'. The shipping left a bit to be desired, with many tins dented upon arrival. Only once did I have to call to resolve an issue where I was cheated on a buy 2-get one deal, and I had to practically fight with customer service to get satisfaction. The person was not very nice or helpful, but I ended up satisfied in the end. I didn't take it personally.
I sort of equate it to shopping at Wal Mart. To me, It's not a personal relationship, it's just shopping. I don't really like going there. However, the prices are usually the best you can find. They have practically everything I need under one roof. The shopping experience is sometimes time consuming and draining. I don't get involved with Wal Marts politics and labor practices, although maybe I should be concerned. At the end of the day I just want cheap, fast and plentiful. But, once I'm home and my groceries and toiletries are put away, what does it really matter where my toothpaste and toilet paper came from?
This is the new norm. Or maybe I'm a beaten man.