I just got a fresh tin of Rum Flake (now called "Jamaican Flake") from SmokingPipes earlier this week and tried it for the first time. The tobacco was quite moist out of the tin and had a strong licorice aroma but no detectable rum or Lakeland essence, and when I smoked it the only flavors I got were a bit of Virginia and a lot of Dark Fired Kentucky. No rum, licorice, or Lakeland essence; just plain Virginia and Dark Fired Kentucky. It basically tasted like a mellower version of Mac Baren's Old Dark Fired and was the first Gawith Hoggarth blend that I was actually rather disappointed with, though the tins of Bob's Chocolate Flake, Kendal Black Cherry, and Ennerdale I got in the same order were all great. They do seem to have removed the Lakeland essence from Bob's Chocolate Flake though, or at the least toned it down to the point that it's almost imperceptible.