Just keep going. You may be a light weight now but the fact that you liked the taste means it's working. Dark Flake is to the pipe smoker what Gamma Rays are to the Hulk - let it do it's work. Except in this case it's not making you into a super hero, it's making you into a man - a pipe smoking man! You don't want to quit or the next thing you know you are like one of those parents who won't let their play dodgeball because it's "too aggressive and dangerous!" Then they are complaining to the school principle that their child is experiencing macro and micro aggressions and (heavens to Betsy!) his feeling are hurt. Or worse yet, like one of those parents who think their kid can pick their gender and in the process does immeasurable harm by confusing him so much, he doesn't know something as basic as man and woman! The next thing you know, we have a nation full of boys wearing dresses and in the event of war, they surrender almost immediately and try to negotiate with the Russians for safe spaces. Do you think those Commie's are going to give them their safe spaces? Hell no! Now America, the former Land of the Brave and Home of the Free is gone, just gone. And the greatest generation weeps in their graves wondering what they fought for. All this because you didn't press through and get used to the Dark Flake. Do you want that on your conscience? I don't think so mister. For the love of God man, smoke the Dark Flake!