G.L. Pease loaded with PG?!

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May 31, 2012
Did someone say MG B GT?





Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
Good stuff. In addition to finding out that Greg is indeed a stand-up guy and solving the mystery of the tin, I also quickly found out which posters think too highly of themselves and that their ish don't stink :) Valuable information either way you look at it.
I was wrong, I admitted it, I took my medicine, now I am officially retiring from this thread, since there is nothing more to be discussed, so if you wish to further address me - feel free to PM.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
ruscho, since you are new here I will assume you don't know who pipestud really is. His knowledge of all things pipes and tobacco is unchallenged in the pipe world. He is probably the most famous pipe and tobacco seller that is in the world today. His cellar is legendary as he is the only one on the planet who stocks at least 500 tins of Royal Yuck at all times. You should feel honored that he has even considered you worthy to respond to, I have known him for 14 years and only once has he acknowledged that I exist, it was the highlight of my year. I hope you enjoyed this thread, I know I did. Welcome to the forum new guy. lol



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Thanks for the undeserved and untrue compliments, Harris. But, I'll accept nice lies from time to time.
Okay, I've now acknowledged you twice. :wink:
Peace out,



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 31, 2013
He is probably the most famous pipe and tobacco seller that is in the world today. His cellar is legendary as he is the only one on the planet who stocks at least 500 tins of Royal Yuck at all times.
Someone once said about writing that no one needed to achieve anything anymore, because Tolstoy has achieved for them.
That's how I feel about pipestud and Royal Yacht. He smokes it so no one else needs to.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
ruscho, since you are new here I will assume you don't know who pipestud really is.
Exactly, you can't expect me to know that a guy with 400 posts is respected by the community , when you have 7,000+. I know that post numbers are not the best gauge (myself included :) ), but you know what I mean.
No offense was meant to anyone by me, except the few posters who were a bit over the top. I didn't try to offend anyone with my post, it seems that even Greg wasn't offender by my unfounded accusations, yet some folks took upon themselves to make it a bit too personal in their comments. I just hate "fanboysm" with a passion precisely for that reason - people would claw your eyes out if you question their grail for even a second.
Pipestud - apologies for questioning your knowledge of the GLP blends. I was wrong about it. Understand that I work in marketing and advertising, so my skepticism in the past 20 years has grown beyond measure. It probably wont be the last time I question the tobacco industry :)
And finally - I have been smoking those two GLP blends without any prejudice, thanks to Greg, and I have to say that even though Meridian is still not punching my ticket, I've been really starting to dig Quiet Nights more and more. I will definitely get some fresh tins, since I am a fan of the more robust tobacco and I think the aging has been unkind to it, mellowing it too much for my taste...still plenty good though.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Pipestud - apologies for questioning your knowledge of the GLP blends. I was wrong about it... - ruscho
I don't need an apology (although yours was appreciated), ruscho. Believe me, you're not the first person around here who took a deserved beat down. I've survived a few of those myself.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
ruscho, it is all good. Since pipestud is who he is his posts count as 100 of ours to one of his so he really is the most prolific poster on this site. As you might have figured by now, we do like to bust balls and have fun while discussing this thing of ours known as pipe smoking.
After seeing that pipestud has addressed me again, I am going to celebrate with a bottle of Crystal and crack my last tin of real Three Nuns, that is how excited I am. Steve, twice in 14 years I really have no words, thank you kind sir, your generosity knows no bounds.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
horny nympho
That's a little redundant wouldn't you say?
Sorry, I couldn't let that one go.
Actually, I was going to apologize for some of the lousy comments left by some of our fellow forum members, who obviously experienced some level of the butt-hurt, due to your lack of appreciation for Pease blends. It seems some of us haven't totally realized just how much we get from being members of this forum. Not only do gain extensive information pertaining to tobacco and pipes, but we have the very rare opportunity to get to know the "major players" in the pipe and tobacco world. I mean, what are the chances of meeting the guy who designed the Desert Eagle on a firearms message board? So, to a new guy, without prior knowledge, someone like "Pipestud" is probably just a guy, who spends too much time on the internet.



Mar 22, 2014
I think one of the best things about this Forum is that everyone is given respect regardless of what color their moniker or how many posts they've made. Harris has nearly 8,000 posts, Pipestud almost 500, and GLP ... barely over 100 posts. Even green newbies. They are all respected and respectful.
This thread didn't go down the crapper because people were defending GLP blends like fanboys, because plenty of people post that they don't care for them and they don't get hazed. It's all personal preference. What happened was that despite being reassured several times by different forum members that the OP's situation was either a fluke or due to superior tins and not because of humectants, it wasn't until GLP himself came on and told him the situation was either a fluke or due to superior tins and not because of humectants that he dropped the issue and backhanded everyone that responded to him previously.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I think one of the best things about this Forum is that everyone is given respect regardless of what color their moniker or how many posts they've made. Harris has nearly 8,000 posts, Pipestud almost 500, and GLP ... barely over 100 posts. Even green newbies. They are all respected and respectful.
While this is true to some extent, we all know that the sinister 6 do have another level of respect because of the fear they instill in all other members. :nana:
I also noticed you have over 700 posts but are still just a lowly member, until you are a preferred member and get your secret decoder ring, you are still just a newbie puke. :rofl:
Seriously though, it is the new members who really are the driving force of this site as without them, this place would get stagnant and I would be resorted to insulting peck night and day and that would get boring after a few years.



Mar 22, 2014
Seriously though, ... I would be resorted to insulting peck night and day and that would get boring after a few years.
It hasn't gotten boring yet! :clap: Some of my favorite comedy! :laughat:



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Ruscho, as you spend more time on this forum, you will come to recognize the names of various posters, including the greats in the pipe world. While it is true that you started out with a first class slambang attack, you apologized, and all of us learned from the experience. Politeness is a byword on this forum, and Greg exemplified it when he replied to your attack. You backed off, apologized, admitted you were wrong, and that's how all of us should act when we are corrected. Welcome to the forum, and I hope to see much more from you on this site, as you appear to have an incisive mind. You're one of us; don't think of yourself and any other way.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
conlejm, I am glad you enjoy our little show. I do sometimes feel badly because of how easy it is too insult peck and he rarely if ever has a clever retort.
Welcome to the forum, and I hope to see much more from you on this site, as you appear to have an incisive mind. You're one of us; don't think of yourself and any other way.
Ruscho, you will be officially one of us after you have kissed Pipestuds ring and smoked a bowl of Royal Yuck.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
Haha, I actually have a bunch of RY tins aging, don't ask me why :) Every time I revisit RY I wonder - what was I thinking when I placed that order?!?
Thanks all for the kind words!



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
ruscho, I think everyone of us has bought a blend and then thought what the hell was I thinking. I know for me it has happened quite a few times. The last one for me was Samuel Gawith Firedance Flake, that actually tasted like I puked in my mouth. The tin description sounded oh so tasty but damn it was awful.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
rsuninv, I gave my tin of Firedance away just to see if someone could enjoy it. If I remember correctly, the person I gave it to also did not care for it.
I have to say I smoked one bowl of Royal Yuck back when I did not know any better and immediately trashed it. I wouldn't even give that one away. lol

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