G.L. Pease loaded with PG?!

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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
Two of my favourite blends from Pease are Haddo's Delight and Key Largo. Fantastic stuff. In my experience, both are ready to go straight from the tin. Never, ever, have I had a single problem with the tins or blends. From the quantity of those blends (and others from Pease) that I have smoked, I think it is a very safe assumption to say that the general quality of the tobacco and the blending is very high, and more importantly, consistent.
Perhaps there is some validation to be teased out of the details (if I were being very generous and liberal with my thinking), but only from a standpoint of saying it was too moist from the tin. It may be a good practice to do some more research into an issue before jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions. The information concerning your accusation was freely and readily available. All you needed to do was a basic search to find out from the source itself.
Artesian blenders need our support, and we are richer in options because of them. If there is a genuine problem that is backed up with facts, that is entirely different, and valid. It is important to be aware of the damage that comments like this can make to small businesses who are honest and doing good work. Luckily, enough people have had such wildly different experiences from yours that this was quickly determined to be a non issue.
For most people who have smoked a range of blends, even if they didn't actually like whatever offerings from G.L. Pease that they purchased, most would have a hard time making a case against the quality of the tobacco in the blend. Try to think things through a little more and do a little research before slinging mud... sometimes reputations can be at stake.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
GLP is on record as saying he doesn't use humectants. In several of your posts you accuse GLP of using propylene glycol or some other humectant. When one of our most respected members (Pipestud) tells you that Pease doesn't use any humectants in his blends, you tell him he "couldn't be more wrong" and dismiss him with a "thanks anyway"...
It's one thing to hear it directly from Greg, another thing from Pipestud. Just as you could question my intentions for being new to this forum - you are all new to me as well. I understand that there is probably a group here with all buddies and whatnot, but don't expect me to magically know which poster is "respected". As far as doing searches, all I found on the GLPease website is the following quote:
If the tobacco won't dry out, PG is likely the culprit. In small quantities, it does its job well. In large quantities, it produces a sticky, wet smoking, pipe clogging weed that should never see the inside of a pipe.
You tell us that you let the Pease tins sit in your cellar for two years because firstly ... I wasn't all that impressed, and after you smoked one of them it made my pipe gurgle, but you tell Greg "It's not that I had an unpleasant experience with those two blends"...
Just because I wasn't impressed by a couple of blends it doesn't mean that I had a bad experience. We are all allowed to not like blends from our favorite blenders.
You post using malapropisms ("bare with me") and crass language ("those plastic lids wouldn't keep a horny nympho wet") and you cast aspersions at the people don't reply to you with class, or in a gentlemanly manner?
Lots of fancy words here, the grammar is on the weak side, though ;)

There is a huge difference between using "crass language" AT someone and using it to spice up a post or using "malapropisms" to just draw a chuckle. And sometimes people just err, no big deal.
Anyhow, this thread is clearly derailing. My question was answered in the best way possible and if the mods feel that it could be damaging to Greg's reputation - they could just delete it, I don't think anyone would blame them.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 13, 2012
Kansas City, MO
I feel I must reply. How is this thread derailing? Yes, your question was answered by Greg (Thanks Greg for that!). But it was the same answer you had received quite a few times. You state that you don't know us just like we don't know you. Okay, so you don't know that pipestud is a very respected and knowledgeable member of the PipeWorld. You probably have no idea who I am either....and that's okay. The problem is the supposition in your OP that you threw around as fact was questioned (and proven wrong) immediately. Take it like a man, apologize and move on. Stop backpedaling and trying to make the problem someone else's. Just admit that you made a mistake and let's get on with our day.
I'm sure Greg's rep will stand without the Mods stepping in a deleting this thread. This probably isn't the first time someone was been proven wrong about one of his blends :)



Feb 13, 2013
The guy asked a question, got an answer, is satisfied with the answer, some people just can't let it go



Mar 22, 2014
As far as doing searches, all I found on the GLPease website is the following quote: If the tobacco won't dry out, PG is likely the culprit. In small quantities, it does its job well. In large quantities, it produces a sticky, wet smoking, pipe clogging weed that should never see the inside of a pipe.
A simple search of the GLP "Frequently Asked Questions" website reveals the following:
... GLP tobaccos are moistened with water only, and are packed at the optimal moisture level for proper storage and aging. If you find the tobacco slightly too moist for your preferred smoking style, just leave the tin open for a short while. Since no humectants are added during blending, the tobacco can be dried to your taste very easily. It's much easier to dry tobacco slightly than to add moisture!



Mar 1, 2013
Nothing for nothing but when I first joined this forum some 14 months ago GLP was talked about by everyone, so I bought some Chelsea Morning and Charring Cross. I could not get either of these tobaccos to stay lit for anything. Albeit I was new and I am sure it was my technique more than anything. I purchase and opened those tins in April of 2013 and they are smoking WONDERFULLY now a year later IN THE SAME PEASE TIN. I actually applaud this, whether it be moist tobacco or the superior lids.
Thanks for chiming in Greg.

I don't think that the blends being so PG-free was what attracted me to Pease's blends. I smoke a lot of blends that I suspect are loaded with flavorings and PG, definitely dog and cat hair inevitably gets in the mix at my house. However, knowing that GLP has decided to limit his color spectrum to all naturals is icing on the cake, and I will smoke his blends again with an eye on this artistic nuance. It now amazes me that he can get so much exotic aroma using all naturals in a blend like Ashbury. It's like smoking some Baroque masterpiece found in some gypsy rummage sale. Good stuff!



May 15, 2014
Artesian blenders need our support, and WE ARE RICHER in options because of them.

I think this is the main thing to take away here and deserves some reflection. I have engaged in many hobbies in my days and with each, a forum or two. Too often the professionals or experts post early on but after much disrespect and constant criticism that isn't constructive, they get understandably disenchanted. If I understand correctly, a certain pipe makers forum had an issue with this, although I do not know to what extent or if it was resolved. My point is, they are people too. As creative individuals, I'm sure they can take constructive criticism for what it is but that doesn't mean we should take their participation for granted. This goes doubly so for a hobby that is always under fire, such as smoking is. If we cannot treat each other well, then surely there is no hope for our little corner of things. So while I'm not advocating treating blenders, pipe makers and store owners with kid gloves, we should remember that we are lucky they are around and even luckier that they contribute. We share a symbiotic relationship and if we forget that, we will suffer accordingly.

I see this whole thread as an opportunity for someone like Pease and his fans to stand up for their work. I think that was done. Even I have bitched about an artist on this forum. We are human. It can be either seen as a nusance or an opportunity. Pease grasped the opportunity, and I think his work might be better appreciated for it.
I hope ruscho sticks with us. All perspectives are welcome, I hope. I apologize if I seemed to look like I was snarking you further up the comments. Once you get to know us, you will be able to look back at this thread and see us as the flawed but quaint group of guys and gals that we are. :puffy:



May 15, 2014
Fair point Cosmic, I certainly didn't mean to imply Greg was not capable of answering question or defending his work. It's just nice to see a hobby where some of the key players still take an active part in forum discussions and engage people one on one. There are countless forums where the Pease's of that field or hobby, do not or never did.
Ruscho, stick around and get to know folks. If you do, I'm sure you will find yourself liking this cadre of nut jobs more and more. :wink:



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
Yes, please stick around, ruscho.
Don't be put off by the sometimes over-the-top defensiveness some people exhibit concerning their favourite blends or blenders.
Also, note that Mr. Pease did not say his blends are PG-free. They might be, but that's not what he said above. He said HE doesn't add any PG, and works hard to get leaf that hasn't previously been treated with PG.
Tropicana might claim "No sugar added", but that's not the same as "sugar free". Sugar was in the oranges before they were ever picked.



May 11, 2012
if anyone really cared about what they were eating you would wonder why the FDA allows so much rat shit and insects into canned food.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Pipestud wrote -
Pease blends will normally dry quite rapidly once a tin has been opened as he does not add anything to his blends that will keep them artificially moist.
Ruscho responded -
You couldn't be more wrong, but thanks anyways.
Conlejm wrote -
As far as doing searches, all I found on the GLPease website is the following quote: If the tobacco won't dry out, PG is likely the culprit. In small quantities, it does its job well. In large quantities, it produces a sticky, wet smoking, pipe clogging weed that should never see the inside of a pipe.

A simple search of the GLP "Frequently Asked Questions" website reveals the following:
... GLP tobaccos are moistened with water only, and are packed at the optimal moisture level for proper storage and aging. If you find the tobacco slightly too moist for your preferred smoking style, just leave the tin open for a short while. Since no humectants are added during blending, the tobacco can be dried to your taste very easily. It's much easier to dry tobacco slightly than to add moisture!
Pipestud writes - Thanks for that link, conlejm... I's nice to know that I am finally right about something. :wink:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 17, 2010
unadoptedlamp says:

Artesian blenders need our support, and WE ARE RICHER in options because of them.
Thank you very much for writing this.
Trailboss writes:

Greg is an Artisan-Artesian?..French lineage...makes sense.

The plot thickens!
Well, that's a deep subject. Alas, I am generally more often elliptical than perpendicular, though I have been known to erupt when under excessive pressure...
From Yaddy308:

Also, note that Mr. Pease did not say his blends are PG-free. They might be, but that's not what he said above. He said HE doesn't add any PG, and works hard to get leaf that hasn't previously been treated with PG.
Yes, that's true. Three of my blends contain some leaf that I cannot guarantee to be sans PG. I don't think they have any, but I've not put them under analysis to ensure it, so I cannot say with certainty. I'm not being cagey, mind, just trying to be accurate.
Wait. This isn't "Ask G.L. Pease..." ;)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 17, 2010
PG is propylene glycol, (more modernly 1,2-proanediol), a humectant commonly used in the bulk tobacco industry to keep tobaccos "fresh," to serve as a carrier for flavourings, and to retard mold to some extent.



Jun 1, 2013
This has been a really fun and informative thread. Thanks guys
And rsuninv, that was the best comment of the thread. Well played sir.

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