G.L. Pease loaded with PG?!

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May 15, 2014
You couldn't be more wrong, but thanks anyways.

No one's saying you didn't have this freak occurrence but if your trying to convince us this is normal with these blends, you are fighting a loosing battle. Not only is Greg one of the best blenders by most people's account but he is a thoughtful, exceedingly helpful and ultimately knowledgeable contributor. I'm not one for hero worship but I think most of us here are glad to have him around in terms of the forum and the pipe world. I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Pipestud. I just cracked a can of Maltese Falcon the other day and it required less than 20 minutes before being pipe ready. Even Gaslight usually only needs an hour to dry (I say this having only opened two cans but it was the Pease blend I needed to dry the longest, full disclosure). Add to that Greg going on record that he doesn't use any humectants outside what may be present in his blending leaf from the source, and I think we have our answer.



May 15, 2014
- orgasmic!


I should also add, people here are honest about blends or companies. We have many McClelland fans here, myself included but I don't think any of us deny the initial ketchup/vinegar smell or the fact it's good to crack their tins a few weeks before smoking. If people were having similar experiences, I think they would step right up and say so.



Jun 1, 2013
I had a tin of Charing Cross that seemed to hold onto it's moisture longer than I expected, probably 6 - 8 months. That being said, it was moist not wet, and leaving it outside of the tin it dried quickly enough. I did find it strange that I never had to move the blend to a mason jar to keep it from drying out, but never though much more about it.
This was an anomaly, all other Pease blends I have tried have been perfect moisture out of the tin.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
This must be a totally freak occurrence as in all my years of smoking GL Pease blends, not once has a tin stayed moist for even a few months without storing it in a plastic air tight container.
It might be that Greg knew of your distaste for glycol and had two tins especially made for you, just to piss you off. lol



Might Stick Around
Feb 21, 2014
Southern California
If Greg says he doesn't use humectants, I'm inclined to believe him. After all, he's got his real name, professional reputation, and livelihood on the line. As opposed to some anonymous guy with 8 posts. Not to put too fine a point on it.
There must be some other explanation for why your tobacco didn't dry out.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
It also could be that our mystery man has a bone to pick with Greg, or is a competitor, or is envious of the Dark Lords massive talents when it comes to blending.



Dec 12, 2012
I personally find most GL Pease tins to be loaded with PGT.*
* - Pretty Great Tobacco



Jan 25, 2012
All of my open GLP tins have dried out pretty quick and I've had to jar them. Except for Gaslight; That block shrinks down to nothing way before it has a chance to dry at all.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 17, 2010
Sorry you had an unsatisfactory experience with Meridian and Quiet Nights, but I am intrigued that because a couple tins of tobacco didn't dry out, it can be concluded that the tobacco must be "heavily loaded" with PG. That's quite a leap, if you ask me, which you could have done. And I would have answered. I suspect, actually, that the tobacco may have been packaged a little over-moist, and that what you experienced is actually a testament to the quality of the plastic overcaps we're getting.
We switched to the flat tins for a variety of reasons, one of which was the fact that the plastic caps for the older, tall tins were dreadful due to sloppy manufacturing tolerances. Apparently, the "standard" used by the tin company, and that used by the plastic overcap company did not seem to jive. To me, 2-11/16" actually means something; the two companies seem to have used different rulers. Sometimes they fit well, sometimes they didn't. I always recommended putting a double layer of foil over the tin before putting the caps back on. The current flat tins and overcaps, on the other hand, are much more accurately made, and the caps fit very well. It surprises me a little that your open tins would remain fresh for that long, but I routinely keep open tins for several months without loss of moisture. Those in dryer climates probably have different results.
Here's an experiment that demonstrates how well these caps work. Put the cap on an open tin, and press down on the center of it. Notice that it doesn't leak air. Then, lift the edge of the cap whilst putting pressure on the top, listening for the "whoosh" of air rushing out, then release the edge. Notice that the cap will remain depressed, indicating a slight vacuum in the tin. See how long it takes for the cap to return to a flat state. Or, put a couple drops of water in an empty tin, and cap it. My guess is that it will be a very long time before it evaporates.
As for PG, I do NOT use it in any of my formulae, and work hard to source leaf that has not been previously treated with the stuff, even the black cavendish that's in some blends. Even my two somewhat "aromatic" blends, Haddo's Delight and Barbary Coast, are naturally flavored without added humectants, PG or otherwise.



Mar 22, 2014
Skip the 5lb and go right to "Oil Drums", "Whiskey Barrels" or "Kegs"! :wink:
Actually, offering 1lb tins in every blend would be nice. Maybe Mr. Pease already does, but I only see them offered in what are probably the top-selling blends. Which probably makes good business sense.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
Greg - gentlemanly answer if I've ever read one!
It's not that I had an unpleasant experience with those two blends, just really weird one. While I haven't smoked pipe for as long as some of the members here, I have certainly smoked longer than most and never had this happen. Do excuse me jumping on the PG wagon, it was the only thing that made sense to me: from my experience with American style packaging, those plastic lids wouldn't keep a horny nympho wet :)
I realize now that you have obviously thought-out the small details of packaging, unlike other companies that are looking for only a cheap vessel to the consumer. Your answer makes perfect sense after inspecting the lid as you described. Kudos to you or whoever in your company improved this to such level.
I was also fully expecting to be called a liar, be shown the number of posts I've made, drawn attention to my anonymity, etc. Some people here could definitely take a page from your book! After my experience with those tins - I was ready to write you off for good, but after your thoughtful and straight answer I indeed added some GLP to my order :) and I can guarantee that I will approach them with an open mind and no prejudice.
Thanks for being classy and answering this post without the BS some other people snuck in!



Mar 22, 2014
Thanks for being classy and answering this post without the BS some other people snuck in!
This is brilliant.
GLP is on record as saying he doesn't use humectants. In several of your posts you accuse GLP of using propylene glycol or some other humectant. When one of our most respected members (Pipestud) tells you that Pease doesn't use any humectants in his blends, you tell him he "couldn't be more wrong" and dismiss him with a "thanks anyway"...
You tell us that you let the Pease tins sit in your cellar for two years because firstly ... I wasn't all that impressed, and after you smoked one of them it made my pipe gurgle, but you tell Greg "It's not that I had an unpleasant experience with those two blends"...
You post using malapropisms ("bare with me") and crass language ("those plastic lids wouldn't keep a horny nympho wet") and you cast aspersions at the people don't reply to you with class, or in a gentlemanly manner?



Apr 14, 2014
Central Ohio
+1 conlejm!

You took the words right out of my mouth-- I was thinking the same thing, just not enough coffee in me yet to say it so eloquently......Well Said!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 13, 2012
Kansas City, MO
I'm gonna throw in with Beefeater & conlejm. Some famous person somewhere once said "Check yourself before you wreck yourself". It's amazing what people will throw around as fact when they actually haven't the first clue.

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