Hence my reluctance to put my name in. On any community forum that is tight knit as this one, one never wants to be "That Guy". On a hammock forum that I am a regular visitor to I had "Gifted" a hammock rain fly to a guy in California that was down on his luck. It was an older rain fly that I had stopped using because I upgraded to another one, but it's value was still around $90. After shipping it and seeing through the tracking that it had been delivered and signed for I never heard from the guy, no thank you, no pictures of it in use, nothing. Then he was not seen on the forum again. So being "That Guy" is something I will not let happen.There is also another issue that I would like to emphasize; I was reading the whole thread and I realized that most of the members (not all of them) receiving pipes and tobacco are not actively participating in the forums. I know that everyone is busy, has his/her own things to do however it seems to be like receiving a pipe and running away. I don't blame anyone, please don't get me wrong. I think that Dave may feel a little bit ashamed because he is the one doing the job, that's why I wanted to jump in. Please join the party folks. Cheers.
I hope everyone receiving from this project really are in need and not just taking advantage of a good thing. IMO, this is a really good thing and see it as a shame if it were corrupted by greed. I look forward to seeing what others are getting from the project.