I feel a bit sheepish posting here, but I will give it a shot after seeing the incredible generosity displayed already in this thread.
I am a brand new pipe smoker; had my first smoke 2 weeks ago. It was instant love, and I wasn't even a regular tobacco user beforehand.
I know I am brand new here, but I plan on being around for quite a while. If I could be put on the list for a briar pipe, that would make my day. Any aromatic tobaccos would be a plus as well.
Currently my only smoke-able pipes are 2 MM cobs. I had a Grabow that I got on the CVS closeout, but I ended up giving that to another newbie pipe smoker. I do have an estate no-name basket briar that my good friend gave me (the one that got me into pipes) but it's in very rough shape, and I am still trying to learn how to restore it to smoking condition.
Normally I would not ask for things for free, especially from complete strangers... But my wife and I just had our first baby (2 months old!) and she isn't working, so money isn't readily available.
I'm sure there are others far more worthy of your generosity than me, but if I could be put on the list, I promise it won't go to waste, and the generosity will be passed on later as I am able.