I was on vacation from work. My Store Manager called on friday and said he had
some bad news. I asked him if they laid him off.I was hi supervisor and ran his store
when he when on vacation. He said "No it is you".. I said lets get the paper work done.
A good severance pay, cobra less than what I was paying while working and retired the next day,
63 years old, and filed for unemployment benefits.
That was in June 2009. Took a few years to straighten out and those gadgets I bought
while working is in full use now.
Worked for the company for 30 years and still are friends.
some bad news. I asked him if they laid him off.I was hi supervisor and ran his store
when he when on vacation. He said "No it is you".. I said lets get the paper work done.
A good severance pay, cobra less than what I was paying while working and retired the next day,
63 years old, and filed for unemployment benefits.
That was in June 2009. Took a few years to straighten out and those gadgets I bought
while working is in full use now.
Worked for the company for 30 years and still are friends.