I didn't know it was a real dish for a long time. I thought when people told me they ate that they were making fun of their wives cooking. At the same time I also thought that Steelers were the Stealers and assumed that Pittsburg sports teams just had some obsession with criminals (Pirates, Stealers, and what is the hockey team the Pick Pockets).
When we were little and playing tiggy lamppost, or something similar in the school playground, we used to have to count, loudly, so that everyone could get into their position before the game could begin. Usually the count was to 20.
At the end break time or lunch time, when competitiveness had send us 6 year olds all a bit wappy, we used to try and catch people out by shouting “1, 2, Mr Fu, 99, 100! Coming ready or not!”
It was only much later in life that I realised it wasn’t Mr Fu at all but more properly - “1, 2, I have missed a few out of the following sequence, 99, 100! Coming, ready or not!”
I’ve no idea who Mr Fu was? I think I must have watched one too many Fu Manchu movies on BBC2 or something. ?