Flavor strength in aromatics

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
I have a few differnt aromatics, and I don't know if they are a very weak flavor, or my taster just sucks. Or maybe even they're 'neutral' enough flavors that I just don't notice anything. I have a vanilla, and 5 different types of 'java' blends. The only one I can almost taste the flavor is my coffee tobacco. I love my PA and can taste that fairly well, so I'm going to pick up some of the cherry PA and see if I can taste that....if not, I might have to say goodbye to aromatics. Has anyone else had this experience? (and I know it's all opinion)



Jul 13, 2010
If you're trying to taste what you smell in the tin, you won't get that with many aromatics. A few do, but as a general rule, aromatics are for the people around you.

Here are a few aromatic blends that I smoke that taste like they smell:

Villiger 1888 Mid Day

W.O. Larsen Signature

W.O. Larsen 2011

Peter Stokkebye Black Currant

Samuel Gawith Fire Dance Flake

Rattray's Bag Piper's Dream
Hope this helps.



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
I seem to have that same problem..I don't taste a lot flavor in aromatics.Other than cherry which I don't really like.I prefer something like 1-Q or RLP-6 both from Lane I don't know if they're aromatics,but they do have some taste to them.Butternut Burley is another one I've tried along that line.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
Ok, i dont know why i never thought about it like that.....even though the term 'aromatic' kind of implies that. :roll: sometimes i just don't think.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 27, 2010
I also find that aromatics do not taste the way they smell. but I know that that is the case with 90% of the aromatics out there. If you want to taste the flavor try Holiday spirit i can taste the coco and rum when i smoke it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Well damn it, those jolly blenders should get it together and make baccy taste full on chocolate, coffee, strawberries etc etc - I want it to be sweet & flavoursome (as the name suggests) to me, not every bleedin 'Tom, Dick & 'Arry that happens to wander past or be in my living room at any given time!
Thus far, I've found the only 2 Aro's that taste like their names indicate they "should", come from McClellands, bless the little men who blended them - Oriental and Rasberries & Cream, both beautiful, smooth as a baby's bum, and taste like I want tobaccos to taste!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
Funny that this should come up, as I just finished a bowl of raspberries and cream. Yum. Yes, that one tastes a lot like it smells. 1 Q is another that is the same. As time goes by, though, my ability to taste the subtle nuances in the flavor is improving.
The other trick is to smoke slow. Think caramelizing the tobacco, not burning it... The most amazing flavors come when you're not puffing like a chimney.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 2, 2011
Houston TX
I find I notice flavors more when I smoke slowly rather than the usual mindless puffing away as I work. Some is due to paying attention but I think more is not overheating the burn. I liked ClassicGeek's reference to caramelizing.
Does anyone know a tobacco that tastes like coffee--or maybe expresso?



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2011
Slow burning does work best for aromatics, though english blends always deliver for me no matter how they are treated. Of course the tobacco in question helps too.



Sep 14, 2011
so I'm going to pick up some of the cherry PA
PA Cherry Vanilla has a very light cherry taste to it. It tastes mostly like tobacco.
And everyone's right - the aroma is for other folks. I personally don't smoke the darned things very much, although I like a decent vanilla now and then. PA Vanilla is pretty decent, for what it is, as is MacBaren's. I really like Stanwell's Vanilla, too, but maybe that's because it doesn't taste much like vanilla. :D




Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
I have a very good friend who lives in Switzerland. He often asks me to get certain blends that we in the UK can access easily and he can't. It's a great idea as he often sends me some of the blends he has bought over there and we end up exchanging tobaccos very regularly. This very morning, the postman delivered a shoe box full of blends he had tried and either disliked or was keen to hear what I made of them. Whilst unpacking this haul, I found a very large container with a note stuck to it which read "Smoke at your Peril". Now being an inquisitive soul, I tried some.....
If anyone wants a strongly flavoured aro that appears to taste exactly as it smells...... "Devil's Holiday".

The Room Note was enough to make The Boss comment, "You know? I used to enjoy the smell of some of the aromatics that you used to smoke, but this is something else again. I can smell Berries, but is it meant to smell of Bubblegum?" :D
Make of this what you will....... I am recovering in a darkened room with a cold Flannel across my forehead, :nana:



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
Does anyone know a tobacco that tastes like coffee--or maybe expresso?
The closest blend I have tried that comes close is C&D's "Autumn Evening." The tin smells like maple syrup, but I find when smoked it has very subtle coffee taste to it.



Nov 8, 2011
Don, thanks for posting this. I have had similar results to the aro's I've tried. I have to admit, I love the Lane 1Q, just got a sample of it this week and it's a heck of a good smoke. I have several others that are waiting to be tried but have a horrible chest cold and my taste buds and sniffer are way off, so waiting for next week to try some. Also going next week to visit C&D, they are about an hour from my front door, so going to get a wide selection of their aro's, they really have a lot of good blends from what I've been told.
Lawrence, your review made me downright hungry! So far I've stayed away from anything with Cherry in it as my past experience was with a very cheap OTC cherry that bit like a rattle snake. Was horrible so have never tried any since, and we're talking that was over 30 years ago. However, I'm going on a search today for that Paladin!!!
Thanks to everyone for your advice and comments, very well stated and now I've got me a nice list of aro's to try out.
Come on TAD, you've got your hooks in me now!!!!



Sep 23, 2011
All I have been doing for the last 4 months is going through aro's trying to find some I can love.
Try: Peach Cobbler

I gave some of this to Lawrence, I think he liked it too but, ask him.
And : Raven
And: From SNIP...eaglerico; The perfect desert baccy --Ataldis Vanilla Custard.
In the bag, smells like a freaking cake is baking. Tastes very sweet. For me, I like it a lot. It's not all goopy and it is not your traditional vanilla either. No peppery taste as you get to the bottom. Strong taste of burning sugar through to the bottom of the bowl. No problems ghosting either, I can smoke a bowl of it then smoke a bowl of black top cherry and get no vanilla taste.
...and it's cheap. UNSNIP...
I am getting large quantities of these 3, and I am hard to impress.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
Aromatics tend to be very light and mild -- as others have said, the flavorings are typically for others as I rarely, if ever, taste the cherry, coffee, chocolate, etc. For me, I can taste the flavoring for the first 5 - 20 minutes, depending on the blend and the pipe, then it just turns to a very mild, "hot air" taste, if anything. Sometimes, it goes straight from the flavoring to a cheap, bitter tobacco taste -- not pleasant.
This is true of any pipe or tobacco tasting experience, but I find it holds especially true for aromatics. Keep your pipe clean and dry! If you smoke a lot of aromatics, your pipes will tend to get more wet, and because of the sugar/flavors/chemicals, stay wet. Use plenty of pipe cleaners during and after the smoke. A wet pipe is a nasty tasting pipe! (please refrain from all perverse jokes) ;)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2011
I have limited experience and have smoked only two aros tasting one. Sweet Briar had nothing but nose for me but Montego Bay tasted great.

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