So when I got the 4 pipes from, I asked for some samples. The first one is Peach Cobbler from Altadis. I really liked the Vanilla Custard from them so that is why I chose this one. The tin note is almost chocolate with an un-peach fruit note with a hint of vanilla. The first puff and no chocolate at all just a nice cool no biting vanilla. As you work your way down the bowl you then get the fruit with a warn vanilla bread taste that yes, is a cobbler. The peach is not in your face and is quite enjoyable. It stays this way right to the end with no surprises. Your could puff on this all day not be sick of it, not so sweet that you want water to dim it down, it's just right. In all, very cool, light and flavorful. The room note is sweet bread. Not much of a nic hit. I would recommend this and I am certainly getting more.