Flake Tobaccos

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 22, 2011
I really like Penzance, SG FVF, Orlik Golden Sliced, and Stokkebye Lux Navy Flake.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
Wow, looks like I'm going to have a tough time narrowing down to only a few(for this order :lol:) I'm really looking forward to trying a flake. But I'm curious, what makes flake different from what one would normally get in a tin? Do they tend to burn better? Do they usually have a better taste because of how they're made? From the videos I've seen they look easier to pack. This being unknown territory for me, I almost feel like I did when I first started smoking.



Apr 17, 2012
Bought and tried my first ever flake last week and I really like it..Cornell & Diehl's, Star of the east flake.



Jun 25, 2011
cleveland NC
But I'm curious, what makes flake different from what one would normally get in a tin? Do they tend to burn better? Do they usually have a better taste because of how they're made? From the videos I've seen they look easier to pack.

The fun part of flakes for me is the way you can prep them to suit you pipe or smoking conditions ie fold and stuff , cut to cubes and rub out.



Jun 2, 2010
But I'm curious, what makes flake different from what one would normally get in a tin?
The processing drastically changes the flavour profile. Alot of things happen to tobacco when you heat and press it. Flakes to me seem to be a bit more concentrated in flavour than ribbon or shag cut tobacco. Whatever you do please dry your flake tobacco out a bit before smoking. I find that most flakes smoke hot, steamy and bloated right out of the tin. I also find that most flakes really excel with some or a whole lot of age on them. Go easy on your packing till you get a feel for how to pack flake tobacco. If too tightly packed they also smoke hot and bitter. Most importantly, smoke slow. You will get so much more flavour from a flake if you take small sips rather than nom nom nom puff away. I find that flakes smoke bitter when you smoke them fast, kind of monotone and ok when you smoke them moderately and sweet, spicy and full of transient flavours when you slowly sip them.
What kind of tobaccos do you like? That might give us a better idea of flakes to suggest that you would like. The Majority of flake tobacco out there seems to be Virginia based, but there are others.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
Damn, now I want to go and re-try some of that Solani 633 I've got aging. It's high-N (for me) and gave me unpleasant side effects. I put some in the box pass and kept a few flakes for myself. That's how good it is: I couldn't toss it even though it kicked like a mule.



Can't Leave
May 18, 2012
I have never smoked any flake but I plan on trying some soon.What kind of pipe would you suggest for flake or does it make a difference? I have heard other people say sometimes it makes a difference.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
Flakes have quickly become one of my favorite tobacco.
Mac Baren Vanilla Cream, Mac Baren Navy, Orlik Golden Slice, Samuel Gawith Golden Glow ( Medium Virginia Flake if bought in bulk), Samuel Gawith Navy Flake and Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake are some of my favorites.
I agree with Ohin3 flakes fresh out of a tin can be pretty moist, it also depends how you smoke them too, if folding I find they need more drying time then if you just rub them out.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
What kind of tobaccos do you like? That might give us a better idea of flakes to suggest that you would like.
Ohin3, there's a reason I didn't list what kind of tobacco I like. If I would have, then I'd get a list of tobaccos similar to what I'm smoking now. And being that I'm still new at this, I don't want to get myself stuck with a certain type. I want to try any/everthing I can get my hands on. And, in my opion, seeing what you like (as opposed to what you think I would like based on what I'm smoking at this moment) is a much better way for me to do that. That being said, thank you very much for trying to look out for my pallet.
I'm loving the information I'm getting in this thread, and it's getting me really stoked for when I actually place my order.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
I like University Flake, but more often it's GLP: Key Largo, Embarcadero, Quiet Nights, and now, Sextant. All so delicious!



Jun 2, 2010
I only asked because, like I said, most flakes tend to be Virginia based so if you don't like Virginias it would be pointless for me to suggest what I have already suggested for flakes. Good outlook though and I commend your adventurous spirit. There isn't much that I don't like as far as types of tobacco, though I have yet to meet a burley that I like. Hoping to get a few in the Canadian box pass becasue I haven't really given them a fair shot. The few I have tried seem to irritate my throat. Let us know what you settle on and be sure to post your thoughts after smoking.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I smoke flakes exclusively, I find them to be sweet and full of flavor. Like it was suggested above, you need to dry the flakes before smoking and you need to go slowly. I smoke large pipes, group 6 and above and can get 2 hours plus out of a bowl of flake. Here is a list of my favorites.
SG Best Brown Flake
PS Luxury Twist Flake
PS Navy Flake
PS Bulls Eye Flake
Orlick Golden Sliced
Orick Dark Strong Kentucky
F&T Cut Virginia Plug
Astley's 109
Solani Silver Flake
Hamborger Veermaster
SG XX Rope
SG Brown Rope
GH Rum Flake
GH Ennerdale Flake
Hope you find some you like.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
Ok, even though I originally planned on placing an order shortly after starting this thread.....a month later isn't too bad. So here is the order that I just placed.
MacBaren - Virginia Flake

SG - Sams Flake

SG - Balkan Flake

Dunhill - Flake

Peterson - University Flake
There are a couple blends that I would have rather tried but pipesandcigars were sold out of them at the moment, so I don't think this is too bad of an introduction to the world of flakes.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
Well I recieved my order in the mail today and I couldn't wait to tear into it....although I did. The blend I decided to try first was Sams Flake. And I must say, flake is a different monster. I tried my hand at using the fold and stuff method and either it doesn't work for this type of flake or I really screwed up packing it(I'm leaning towards the later). From the get go I couldn't get the draw I like out of it so I tried a tamp, then loosen until I felt I had a decent draw. Once I put flame to the baccy, it was an uphill battle from there. About every third puff required a relight, which then led to a mild tounge bite. Not too bad of a bite, but it was there. And I had let it set out for a couple hours to dry.
So naturally I end up doing the one thing that is almost impossible once lit....trying to loosen and tamp while smoking. Needless to say that didn't work too well. I wasn't too please with the taste of this blend upon my 'first bowl', however considering the situation, I am by no means basing any opinions toward it on this one attempt. It will be tried again, and I will get the hang of a flake.
That being said, does anyone have any good tips on how to smoke a flake? What kind of method do you use?



Jun 9, 2011
One of my favs is the Balkan Flake. To me it is very similar to Penzance. I like to rub it out and dry it some before I pack it... Let us know what you think!!
I like to fold n stuff Dunhill Flake but you have to be careful not to overstuff the bowl. After you dry and fold the flake, rub out the bottom of it a little before putting it into the bowl. Kinda like roughing it up.....This will fill the bottom while leaving enough room at the top for airflow, etc..... I am by no means an expert but this works for me. :puffy:



Sep 14, 2011
Haven't smoked Sam's Flake. Just popped a tin of the Balkan the other day - it's good stuff.
I tend to fold and stuff, although I may break the flake up a bit to get the amount I want for the bowl. I frequently take some fairly well broken pieces for the top of the bowl to help with the light.
Some guys like to break up their flakes more before they smoke 'em. Experiment.

Jul 12, 2011
The Matrix
@DGF-One thing about SG blends is they are drip'in wet with

moisture, so if you just opened a fresh tin and packed some up that

was the issue...under low temp/humidity conditions I still dry out SG flake at least

24hrs before pack/smoke...remember if you are doing fold/stuff method

to not pack too tight as the bacci will expand when set ablaze ;-)
The Peterson UF & Dunhill flake which I also keep in my rotation

are better with moisture issues "out-of-the-tin" and only require about

30-60 minutes of air time, under low temp/humidity conditions.

These two blends IMHO give a good, consistent smoke time and

time again
Gripe: SG blends...high moisture...weight...anyone else feeling

rip'ed off ;-) I try not to think of it, because I really love SG blends

but come on SG, throw us some more bacci in that big arz tin already :)
Another good tip, IMHO; A pipe with a smaller diameter chamber (3/4") really

does a flake right for fold/stuff methods ;-)

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