Flake Tobaccos

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Dec 5, 2011
I have the same issue with many flake tobaccos. It took me a while and lots of practice to get it right. I still struggle on occasion when trying a new flake or in a pipe I haven't smoked flakes before. So patience and practice are the best recommendation.
I echo what SD said on the SG flakes. They require a lot of drying time. I then usually fold them and rub them out between my hands. The Peterson Irish Flake I have requires less drying, maybe an hour, and has been working for me with fold and stuff method. Roughen up the seam of the fold and the top a bit to break out the fibers and improve air flow. I also have C&D Sunday Picnic (Highly recommended) and that one is very much like the Peterson flakes with regards to moisture and how I pack them.
Good luck.



Jan 25, 2012
Great discussion going on here guys! I agree with smokindragon about the smaller diameter chamber. Especially for thick unbroken flakes. Fully rubbed out a big bowl is fine.



Apr 5, 2012
United States
Well Iv dabbled in flakes and I have had some really great experiences with flakes packed well and some terrible

Complete up hill battles with them it just takes practice. Look on YouTube there are some really great methods. I'll try and explain what I found to work the best was to take a flake and fold in hot dog style then do it again. After that stud it in your pipe (gently stuff mind you) and then you'll have these 4 sticks of baccy ticking out of your pipe. So just rub out the top of the sticks of tobacco and that I found works the best, you'll get a feel of how much of a flake you stuff in your pipe. Oh and do this over a sheet of paper it's kinda messy, you can just dump and left overs from the paper back into the tin for "kindling"



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