@DGF-One thing about SG blends is they are drip'in wet with
moisture, so if you just opened a fresh tin and packed some up that
was the issue...under low temp/humidity conditions I still dry out SG flake at least
24hrs before pack/smoke...remember if you are doing fold/stuff method
to not pack too tight as the bacci will expand when set ablaze ;-)
The Peterson UF & Dunhill flake which I also keep in my rotation
are better with moisture issues "out-of-the-tin" and only require about
30-60 minutes of air time, under low temp/humidity conditions.
These two blends IMHO give a good, consistent smoke time and
time again
Gripe: SG blends...high moisture...weight...anyone else feeling
rip'ed off ;-) I try not to think of it, because I really love SG blends
but come on SG, throw us some more bacci in that big arz tin already

Another good tip, IMHO; A pipe with a smaller diameter chamber (3/4") really
does a flake right for fold/stuff methods ;-)