This is a common misconception in that if you have an Espresso machine, you must drink Espresso. I have owned 2 REAL Espresso machines (Rocket Apartamento and my current machine, a Rocket R58) and I have never had a cup of Espresso. I almost always drink Americano Coffee; a shot of Espresso and 3 shots of hot water. Very few people I know in the U.S. drink straight Espresso. It's too strong for me and destroys my palate.
The object of espresso is to create a coffee drink that actually TASTES like coffee SMELLS. This is achieved by using the right amount of grounds, ground at the correct fineness to extract a shot of 30ml (60,l if using a double basket) at 9-10 bar pressure in 25-30 seconds. Under-extracted, your shot will be sour. Over-extracted and your shot will be bitter. If done correctly (it takes a little practice) your "shot" will smell and taste just like the fresh ground coffee which you used to make it. Take that shot and add hot water (my preference is a 3 to 1 ratio, YMMV) and you now have a cup of COFFEE that tastes exactly like it smells.
A REAL Espresso machine will start at around $1,500 and an appropriate Espresso grinder will cost you another $1,000 so yes, it's a lot of money to spend for a damn cup of coffee but if this is one of your life's pleasures, it will bring you immense joy then it's cheap, all things being relative.
BTW, Espresso machines and grinders are COMPLETELY rebuildable and the parts are relatively inexpensive. Even if you only have rudimentary mechanical skills you can do it all yourself, just make sure you buy brand names so parts will always be available. In 4 years, I have had zero repairs on either the grinder or the Espresso machine with minimal maintenance (maybe an hour every 2-3 months) defined as decalcification and light tear down and cleaning of the brew head.
Owning a real Espresso machine will lead to worse things happening to . You will discover that there are a lot better beans out there and you can taste the difference, so you will seek out boutique roasters with good reputations making small batches. After you get tired of paying Boutique roaster prices, you start looking at roasters and, well.....
And down the rabbit hole you go....
One day, after all this you will find yourself at Pete's or Starbucks or CB&TL and you grab a cup of their coffee (probably an Americano since drip coffee is just soggy bean juice and because of your Espresso, you can no longer abide such an abhorrence!) and you might be compelled to spit it out! You might even be offended that they sell that crappy burned brew at all let alone for 4 bucks a cup! Then you will proceed to recite in your head ALL the things they did wrong in roasting and brewing the coffee in front of you. You might even question the quality of the green they are using(Is that Robusto I taste?), and you will think to yourself "Hell! For 6-8 bucks I can buy a pound of some of the world's finest Arabican green beans (un-roasted coffee beans) and then you will know you have arrived on the
Coffee Consciousness Plane...from which there is no turning back:
You have taken the Red Pill....
FWIW, I continue to thoroughly enjoy my journey amongst the Coffee Conscious and would not give it up for ten times the money I have invested.
Sorry for using so many words but all of us on here know about passion and hobbies....