Enabler, hell -- I'm a PUSHER! "C'mon, baby, try it. First one's free!" hehehehehe Oh, BTW, Tim, if you can't get hold of any right off, I've got an unopened tin I'd be glad to send you. Seriously. I'm not cellaring (yet, at least), but when I buy tobaccy, I buy tobaccy. }Thanks Bill for suggesting this blend!
Bill is our resident enabler!
Yeah, like everything, kola, it's all just personal taste buds. Love, Hate, or Meh. I like some Dunhill blends OK, RY for example, but Nightcap & EMP just never did anything for me at all. BCA I think is fabulous, but some other black cavs I just can't bloody stand. Even some lat-bombs don't do the trick for me, although if you give me straight lat you won't hear from me for hours, if not days; I'll be too busy stoking & fuming. All in the individual tongue!tried BF several times and wanted to like it but never did.
Alls you gotta do, is send it all to me bunk... I'll take care of the rest. You buy it to satisfy the itch of needing to purchase, I'll smoke it so it goes away... Sounds like a decent trade to me... :rofl:Help me, someone.
[Hard yank on pole, reel reel reel reel reel reel, gaff, net] Got another one, Duane! This one was easier to land than most of 'em!have got to have it
Excellent point, MSO. I love how the rum is incorporated, but I love how most, if not all, of C&D blends seems to use flavoring in a way that enhances the tobaccos, not covering up sub par tobaccos with a flavoring.Black Frigate with its rum demonstrates how flavoring should be used to bring up the taste of the tobaccos. That's how it's done. For me, that's the standard.