Well I finally broke down and bought a Peterson. I've eyeballed numerous ones over time, even bid on some on the bay. But last week on a whim I stopped in to the local B&M and what do I find? A couple dozen tins, restocked bulk offerings, and a greatly increased number of pipes. Really a great selection and quite an expansion of pipe stuff. In months/years past there was no tins and sometimes a handful of pipes. After talking with the guy at the counter I grabbed a couple tins and this Dracula (well and an EP Carillo Prequel Pledge cigar). Great stem swirl and much lighter than I would have imagined. It felt great supporting a local business (smoke shop) making an effort to cater to pipe smokers. I was impressed and will be back.
Also, what bowl chamber coating does Peterson use? This thing builds cake at a record pace
Also, what bowl chamber coating does Peterson use? This thing builds cake at a record pace