FDA rules announced

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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2014
they planned to prohibit "all tobacco products with candy or fruit flavors

Well, The Lakelands will be safe unless they go back in and amend it to prohibit urinal cake flavors... :D



Jun 1, 2013
they planned to prohibit "all tobacco products with candy or fruit flavors". If they get their way that would mean no more aromatic pipe tobacco, right?
They passed similar laws across Canada a couple of years back. They are targeting mainly those little "flavored" cigars with peach, grape and other fruity flavorings. Some of the collateral damage was the pipe tobacco blends with blatant descriptors in the name like "Cherry" or "Berry". They have also successfully banned menthol in many Provinces.
That being said, pretty much all pipe tobacco on the market (and cigarettes for that matter) has some form of flavoring added. Some kind of water & sugar mixture at the very least. So they technically cannot ban all "flavored" tobacco without shutting down the entire cigarette and pipe tobacco industry. Now, where they decide to draw the line to distinguish between "flavored" and "non-flavored" is anyone's guess. Maybe it lies in the marketing more so than the actual additives being used.



Might Stick Around
Apr 15, 2011
I have read the nanny state issues on forums for about 10 years now, and this issue has cropped up on several obviously since the release.
I'm not suggesting the conversation isn't good, though some of it seems like things I've read before, I mean talking about change surely helps us accept and understand said change within our own frame of reference possibly.
One thing I always wonder though, what can we do? What's the idea? As I recall when this FDA thing started, industry leaders said, "let us handle this, you guys and gals simmer down." I'm not sure what their side to all this is though, and I'm not a big idea guy. I'm more of a sit and smoke, read, and think kind of person and if there is something I need to do that makes sense to me to take action or make a stand, I'm ready and willing if it is pointed out.
In short, what really can we do? What is the alternative?



Jun 3, 2015
"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it" - Thomas Jefferson
The FDA stands at odds with Our Law, and therefore is illegal. The FDA falls under a 4th Brach of Government, not granted in Our Constitution. The Oligarths is Washington, would love nothing more than to white wash the above quote, for which the the 2nd Amendment was intended. You can't start a resistance on a private thread, owned by private citizens, who may or may not agree with a stance, but the seeds of this resistance can be planted. This is a beginning, how far will the Statist go? Everyone runs and says the reach of the Statist will not reach me. Be it Guns, Tobacco, Sexuality, bathrooms, unborn children, philosophy, Free Speech, music, or prosperity. How far are we willing to let them go? Good Luck out there, our days of common interest may soon come to an end. Or these unlawful decisions may just dangle above our heads, in a game of Totalitarian Blackmail.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Very compelling thread. I hope the discussion continues!
If folks would refrain from characterizing other folks' views, eschewing words such as "liberal" "conservative" or political party names, it can.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
So who is putting together a large tobacco order before these new rule take effect?
I keep a mental list of blends I still want/wish/need to stock up on and I do plan a couple large orders the second half of the year; however, the FDA rules that were announced plus other tobaccolypse discussions only keep me from procrastinating and are not direct drivers necessarily for my TAD purchases.
I started collecting pipe tobacco in 2012 and have really enjoyed building up a cellar for the future while enjoying numerous blends today. In addition to the pure collector/hobbyist aspects, purchasing pipe tobacco today makes economic sense for me. The price really won't be any cheaper in the future than it is today and since tobacco doesn't spoil or go bad with time I have found it quite easy to justify buying lots of pipe tobacco. Better to have more than I need today than to need more tomorrow and have to pay more.
For the last year or so I've monitored the prices of tins up for consignment and when I see an aged blend of something sell for 4-5 times more than what I paid today I'm okay with stocking up on my favorite blends. I see tobacco purchases as a small investment in a way should I or my next of kin need to sell off my cellar one day.
Hmm...time to go take advantage of the Dunhill 2 for 1 sale! Gotta go!



Might Stick Around
Apr 15, 2011
Perdurabo: I'm all too aware that a forum is a poor venue to start a resistance movement. I just remember hearing my 79 year old mother say a few years ago, what happened to people? Who will stand up against the totalitarianism? Did they wait until people were sheep before making the bolder moves? I remember not thinking much about it at the time, but it's something I think about now. This isn't something that was sprang overnight, this has been coming since the early 60's, in the tobacco world in particular, people who look at such things can see the overall seeds planted earlier. I'm sitting on a pretty good cellar, have been for some time, but that doesn't mean I lament the brands we may never see if the worst happens. I'm also not one for violence, and in the current state of affairs it seems futile to even consider that being an answer. If there are protests out there beyond letter writing and special interests groups, we seem to be bereft of them in the Commonwealth where everything except bourbon is concerned.
Those bourbon boys know what they are about.




Jun 3, 2015
Overthrowing Tyranny isn't violence, it's Damn well American. We've done it once, in fact, I think Old Jefferson suggested it needs to happen often. To many Rugged Individualist ideas in that old musty Constitution. The Greed of the many who haven't, want to take from those who have, and take from those who are happy. All we want, is to be left alone. That's what Our Founders wanted, to be left alone. Man will make the right choice for himself, and when he makes a bad choice, Oh well! Try again.
By the way, KYRob, I was using you as a platform to spring board Liberty.



Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
@captpat all my pipe purchases are on hold this year, its all the blends I like post 2007...
Is there a list of grandfathered tobaccos, that is blends being sold pre-2007 that meet the grandfathering rules? That would certainly help focus what to purchase today.
In the meantime going to add depth to my cellar primarily by buying bulk when available and taking advantage of sale like the buy 2 get one 1 free Dunhill sale at P and C. Regardless of the grandfather question buying over the internet at the current prices is not going to last.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I've been wondering how this goes as well. Do blends like the Dunhill blends and Three Nuns, Capstan, etc. which were reintroduced to the American market post 2007 require the sku fee or because the recipe is so old are they exempt?
I wouldn't freak out and spend most of the paycheck on hoarding up blends. The rumor is that the Cigar Rights of America plans on contacting leaders/representatives from Latin American countries to explain to Congress how big and negative this would effect their economies as well. Apparently Congress can review it and tell the FDA we're not letting this happen because of the detrimental impact it will have on the American job market and economy. If that doesn't work of course they will pursue class action lawsuits against the FDA and from what I've heard the FDA has a terrible track record in the courtroom.
Blenders also have 18 months to comply, so you can still stock up on blends at the usual pace until November of 2017. Hopefully in that time the vape, cigar, and pipe industries are able to ban together and get this overturned somehow.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
I really hate the government trying to protect me from myself. I have no problem with reasonable age restrictions, but allow an informed populace to make its own decisions. Stay out of my personal life (like that would ever happen....). :evil:



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
I'm a big proponent of the legalization of consensual crimes. Adults deserve the freedom to do as they wish so long as what they do doesn't DIRECTLY hurt another person or property. Beyond that the government has no place in our lives.



Jun 3, 2015
Lord, has brought up some great points.
I've read that it's up to three years to comply. That's was in Forbes I believe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
Fully agree, Nate. That is the core of my earlier post. Somehow, the government knows what is best for me? Sure, collectively "they" may know more things about things, but it should stop at the warning point, not the prohibition point.



Jun 3, 2015
Great opinion piece, Bill. I agree with you. Even if some consider our commentary/opinion politics, which is not our fault, but theirs as they have agreed to politicize everything from genitalia to Air. You can't argue with common sense.

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