ok this is one post and one post only of your favorite song - not two favorite songs
comments are welcome but only one favorite - that's the rule
this is meant to allow others to infer definition about your psyche
more than one song post could imply unnecessary aberrant deviancy
this is my favorite song because if it could be possible for everyone to do this
there would be no more war
basically it is
mind your own business
ok - a maximum of two if they both exhibit the same theme ( if both are the same band then you get double bonus )
i said don't ask no stupid questions and i won't send you away
if you want to talk fishin' then i guess that'll be okay
comments are welcome but only one favorite - that's the rule
this is meant to allow others to infer definition about your psyche
more than one song post could imply unnecessary aberrant deviancy
this is my favorite song because if it could be possible for everyone to do this
there would be no more war
basically it is
mind your own business
ok - a maximum of two if they both exhibit the same theme ( if both are the same band then you get double bonus )
i said don't ask no stupid questions and i won't send you away
if you want to talk fishin' then i guess that'll be okay