There are so many great blends like this. On the Latakia side I would add Samuel Gawith Perfection, Wilke Lizzie Blood Red English (English blend with - light blood orange topping) and Watch City Persian Slipper. Definitely worth exploring Boswell, Country Squire, Wilke and Ken Byron blends.
For Va or burley base Wilke Blood Red VA, Watch City Glass Slipper, so many Gawiyh Hoggarth and Samuel Gawith blends, among others.
I second University Flake and would add Irish Flake and PPP - both are a little stouter. I love Erinmore flake and Firedance Flake. So many good blends.
For Va or burley base Wilke Blood Red VA, Watch City Glass Slipper, so many Gawiyh Hoggarth and Samuel Gawith blends, among others.
I second University Flake and would add Irish Flake and PPP - both are a little stouter. I love Erinmore flake and Firedance Flake. So many good blends.