Any of the flavoured Gawith brown twists. Rum, aniseed, apple, black Cherry, maple, they're all lightly flavoured and they're all great.
I am with you. If something has an aroma, then it is an aromatic which is why garlic is considered an aromatic herb.The term "aromatic" , IMO , is not really definable . All tobaccos produce some kind of aroma .
It's kind of a non-specific descriptor .
This has been discussed before :
Aromatic ? :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion
I need someone to wise me up :confused: . How does a pipe tobacco fall into the "aromatic" category ? I mean , they all simply by ignition produce smoke which has a aroma . Prince Albert , Carter Hall produce an "aroma " . If you smoked dried oak leaves there would be an aroma
Being naturally contrarian I seem to be going the wrong way around on the pipe journey! I've heard most people start off with aros, then progress through Va's and VaPers, and then graduate to English and Orientals. I started with an English blend, then the Va's, but am now overcoming my aversion to aromatics. A little bit. (And I'm not even going to mention the DFK fans, y'all are braver individuals than me!).
I still don't have a real taste for the few classic aros I've tried so far -- really, I should just shut up and keep smoking for a while until I've tasted more widely and frequently, but that contrarian thing, right?
I'm curious to hear about blends that keep the tobacco front and center, whether they're virginia, burley, English, etc., but still have a discernable aromatic note that complements, rather than overwhelms the tobacco. I'm particularly curious about B & M blends, most of which I haven't tried yet.
Two recently discontinued would be Vanilla Rollcake and Newminster 400.
Didn’t Country Squire have that “White Rose Blend”? White tea and rose added into a burley/cav blend. Actually though I was going to like it, but it was pretty weak.For something different, and if you have roses in your garden - to ensure they are spray free - grab and dry a few petals and mix into your next bowl of Virginia.
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A tough, but not unknown situation to be in, TF! I'm an outdoor smoker only; my ex would smoke me if I got the smell of smoke in the apartment she may eventually move back into (she's allergic)! Maybe I can pitch a tent on the roof? And perhaps this warrants a separate thread on spouse-approved blends?I’m wanting to smoke inside more… in the morning before I leave for work, winding down in the evening, etc; but my wife complains that the NM-400 smells like cigarettesI don’t believe that, but I digress.
Gotta find something wife-approved that is also purist-approved. I’m kind of wanting that “I love the smell of when my husband smokes inside” reaction. Might be a hard ask. I need to get started on building a den for myself somewhere in the house….