Ordering from Esterval's has always contained a small element of risk. Before Greeneyes worked with Esterval's to change their method of shipping, occasional shipments would be seized by the USPS, nothing to do with Customs, and sent back to Germany. With the Expedited DHL service, someone at DHL would occasionally demand extra documentation be filled out before delivery. With UPS, looks like the same issues. It's a very small percentage.
But what sets off the alarms? Nobody seems to have any sort of clue. Since Customs acts very differently depending on the region, the phases of the moon, and perhaps whether or not the officials are "gettin' any" delivery can become much more involved, and a lot more expensive. That's the risk, however small, that attends every order.
I did make one more purchase, last year, just to experience how the expedited DHL shipment worked. My last 2020 purchase had been seized by the USPS and I wasn't interested in a repetition. So I tickled the Dragon's Tail one last time and the shipment arrived in a few days with no issue. Done with Esterval's.
EDIT: From past experiences, I wouldn't trust UPS to find its ass with both hands strapped behind it.