Not satisfied for the evening with the Dempsey, so rather than 5 Bros again to get that fixed, I reached for an OJK White. I know it’s not the best reviewed tobacco in the OJK line, but it’s pretty darn good. Only tin I’ve ever bough of it - 2017 can (lucky B&M find). Found a somewhat magical retailer…and they have dust on the tops of some tins, and they don’t quite stack the same cause they have a bit of an expansion to them. Same price for all - so, I’ve learned to check the rotation abilities of retail stores that aren’t huge and don’t see a ton of foot traffic other than people on a quest for Penzance ?. I need to go back there - I’m over budget, but hell with it. Picking up aged tins for slightly higher than online retail? Yup. All day. Where is this place? Missouri. ?