Drones over New Jersey

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Jan 31, 2011

Just in case anyone thinks George is just joking around. I know he'll vouch for the authenticity of this story:

Close encounters of the purred kind: Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim Russian flight controllers

Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language.

On footage posted on You Tube, an air traffic controller made clear he sought to make contact with the UFO.

'I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time,' he told the pilot of a passing Aeroflot flight.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Just in case anyone thinks George is just joking around. I know he'll vouch for the authenticity of this story:

Close encounters of the purred kind: Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim Russian flight controllers

Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language.

On footage posted on You Tube, an air traffic controller made clear he sought to make contact with the UFO.

'I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time,' he told the pilot of a passing Aeroflot flight.

Well if it was in the Daily Mail then it just has to be true ;)


Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
I love to look up stuff, and the USA drone market is expected to nearly double from 14 billion to 27 billion in the next five years.


The gubbermint requires drones to be registered, under two broad classes.

Americans being Americans, we are not going to pay $5 to exempt $50 drones. This will wind up like CB radios where the smallest ones are completely deregulated, so long as it transmits an ID.

My kids had a small cheap one about ten years ago that was tricky to fly and the battery only lasted a few minutes.

Might it be the drone makers are buzzing New Jersey to sell more drones?

If so, they hooked me.

I need me one of them there $250 drones, with the GPS so’s it can find Bug Tussle and fly back home.:)

But it seems that serious, name brand drones are about $500 today, and up.


In ten years a good drone will be like a good pair of binoculars and a good digital camera.

We will all have one, in a drawer someplace.:)
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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
@Briar Lee and anyone else interested in flying drones. I have one, but no matter how good you might be at using remote controls in videos games, using one for a drone is 100Xs trickier. And, once you crash those things into a wall or a tree, there isn't an automatic second life.

Ask 100 teens who were given a drone for Christmas what happened, and 100 teens will tell you that they wrecked it on their first flight. It really helps to take a class, and they are offered everywhere. I took the class, and it helps, but I am still not 100% confident yet.

It is really cool that you can send them off miles away and hit the "home" button and they come right back and land where they took off.


Apr 26, 2024
London UK
The newest DJI drones will have their "no fly zone" detectors disabled, so you'll be able to fly them over military installations no problem! How cool is that.... er... Sheriff?
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
With respect, you seem to take the bait an awful lot, especially so with cheap n' nasty tat.

Why not do yourself a favour (and your bank balance) and buy quality gear from the very start?

My old mate used to say, "buy cheap, buy twice" which makes a lot of sense to me.


I’m considering that.

The race is on between those drone makers to have one become the ultimate 249 gram drone.

I own a $250 Garmin navigator that has just about killed off the competition. We use it every day, and will until we buy a car with one built in.

And I own a 2016 Olympus camera that really cannot be practically improved much.


Any drone I buy today will be obsolete in a few years, and the new ones will be cheaper, and vastly better.

The regs today read less than 400 feet and line of sight, and I want one that will come back if connections are broken (GPS).

And I know that 4K is actually more than I need for arial photography. 10 kilometers range is about twice what is reasonable. 20-30 minutes flying time is plenty. A good one would come home when it ran low on juice.

What drones need, is a universal lithium quick change battery.

I need to do a little research before I buy my first serious drone.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
@Briar Lee and anyone else interested in flying drones. I have one, but no matter how good you might be at using remote controls in videos games, using one for a drone is 100Xs trickier. And, once you crash those things into a wall or a tree, there isn't an automatic second life.

Ask 100 teens who were given a drone for Christmas what happened, and 100 teens will tell you that they wrecked it on their first flight. It really helps to take a class, and they are offered everywhere. I took the class, and it helps, but I am still not 100% confident yet.

It is really cool that you can send them off miles away and hit the "home" button and they come right back and land where they took off.

Somebody will become a drone billionaire.

Right now today, on my phone I can summon Google Earth and look at my farm, or my house, just anyplace.

These will be fancy flying bird dogs with cameras.

Program a flight plan, send it up, and watch the show on a 4K screen in real time.

Then they’ll join all the CB radios in the attics.:)

By the way, for farm use these will be a part of daily life forever.

Spray fence rows, count cows, monitor crops. Just revolutionary.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
The newest DJI drones will have their "no fly zone" detectors disabled, so you'll be able to fly them over military installations no problem! How cool is that.... er... Sheriff?

It doesn’t take much of a crystal ball to foresee a truly spectacular “Death of a Pope” media level accident or crime involving one of the million licensed or unlicensed drones.

I’m way too damned old to go to jail.:)

I want my drone to not be able to get me in trouble.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Spending an enjoyable evening stuffing Buoy into tubes, and researching drones, they are priced about like pipes.

For under $100 you get a usable Dr Grabow level drone, but not anything you’d brag about.

The Pre 54 Marxman is the DJI, at $299 and up.:)

Eventually they’ll get drones down to Peterson and Savenelli price levels.

The key is range.

I can stand on a hill on my farm and see Bug Tustle about a mile away.

A drone is not any fun, if it flies off and won’t come back.:)