Well, as an update, I still have literally not seen a single video of this supposed "drone phenomenon" that haven't been identifiable as manned aircraft. Almost all of them are airliners. It's actually surprising considering drones do exist, and so by now I'm really surprised someone hasn't flown and filmed a few of them, and either modified the footage or filmed them in a way that they could look like what people are claiming. In my younger days, I'd probably be trolling these people very hard by now. You should see what I used to do to the chemtrail folks
But here's the thing - if any of this were real, there would be evidence. There would be some video of something that wasn't an airliner or a helo. If a thing is true, there is evidence. Always. And literally everyone has a video camera in their pocket these days.
But no. Just airliners. Even if MOST sightings were misidentification but a small percentage were of something real, then that small percentage of videos would also be of something real.
But still just manned aircraft. As Mover said, Idiocracy was supposed to be just a funny movie, not a how-to guide!

But here's the thing - if any of this were real, there would be evidence. There would be some video of something that wasn't an airliner or a helo. If a thing is true, there is evidence. Always. And literally everyone has a video camera in their pocket these days.
But no. Just airliners. Even if MOST sightings were misidentification but a small percentage were of something real, then that small percentage of videos would also be of something real.
But still just manned aircraft. As Mover said, Idiocracy was supposed to be just a funny movie, not a how-to guide!