Dottle, the unburned tobacco that gets dumped from a spent bowl, seems to get two
responses. Some pipe smokers consider burning nearly all or all of the tobacco a sort
of achievement, as if the objective is to smoke every last penny's worth of product.
The second train of thought is that a pinch of dottle at the bottom of the bowl is
natural and acts as a filter to the smoked portion, and ensures a pleasant and cool smoke.
I've had both experiences -- a great smoke with almost no visible dottle when I empty the
bowl, and a great smoke with a definite quantity of unburned tobacco. Tall bowls, like
pokers, seem more prone to this, and some smaller, shallower pipes like small-bowl
bulldogs and Rhodesians, less. I accept Dottle as okay and no big deal. Do you feel
cheated if you have visible unused tobacco?
responses. Some pipe smokers consider burning nearly all or all of the tobacco a sort
of achievement, as if the objective is to smoke every last penny's worth of product.
The second train of thought is that a pinch of dottle at the bottom of the bowl is
natural and acts as a filter to the smoked portion, and ensures a pleasant and cool smoke.
I've had both experiences -- a great smoke with almost no visible dottle when I empty the
bowl, and a great smoke with a definite quantity of unburned tobacco. Tall bowls, like
pokers, seem more prone to this, and some smaller, shallower pipes like small-bowl
bulldogs and Rhodesians, less. I accept Dottle as okay and no big deal. Do you feel
cheated if you have visible unused tobacco?