Ah food, easily my favourite subject! In fact whenever I travel to a country I've never been before I make a point to visit a supermarket, or food market as I believe that nothing connects people like food does.
Greek here, and a big meat eater, however, the things I crave the most are humble lentil stew, and Greek baked beans made with a lot of tomato and olive oil. Other than that, Greek cuisine is extremely regional and used to also be seasonal too, born out of thrift but desire to have a good meal. Being an Athenian it's a blessing and a curse as we get most of everything (because 1/3 of Greece's population lives here, but their roots are elsewhere so they want to eat their stuff, so that's catered for), but the best of nothing (as the really good stuff rarely leaves its point of origin).
On English/British cooking, it has gotten an undeserved bad rep, I spent 12 years there and learnt quite a bit, a lot of it from Dorothy Hartley's Food in England book, it is a pity the British people themselves have no clue what their cuisine is all about. English cheeses are good, but so are French and Italian and Greek cheeses - if anything any non-post-communist country has good cheeses. It's a pity that communist regimes destroyed centuries-old shepherding traditions and forced having just nameless "white" and "yellow" cheeses in so many countries, something I've researched and cross-referenced with people from several Balkan and Slavic countries.
The *best* food I ever ate was in Milan, bar none, but in terms of cuisines, I consider the French - especially deserts - to be the most balanced and complete, whatever that may mean.
Wife is Serbian, I love their gibanica, sarma, shnenokle and 101 pepper dishes with pork or mutton.
Few people know bread and sausages as much as the Germans, and few people do butter like the Irish - though northern Italian bufala young butter is incredible. Fries and mayonnaise from a Belgian Frituur, and Danish pickled herring sandwiches are very memorable.
In terms of sweet drinks and spirits I got to hand it to Poland for their meads and sweetened vodkas like Krupnik and Zubrowka (fun fact, Zubrowka vodka contains 1792 Flake - no it's just coumarin!), but barrel-aged Rakija can rival any Scotch on the planet, except Ardberg
When I think of the US I think of three things: corn, BBQ and New England seafood, however so far, of your great country, I've only seen lower Manhattan and an hour's worth of Huston while waiting for a connecting flight - I did make a point to visit Mighty Quinn's in Manhattan though
Once in a while I crave Indian, north African or middle eastern food, but otherwise not a massive fan of non-Western cooking.
I'm a total pig as you see, but I hope a discerning one, and in fact I approach pipe smoking in the same way, it's all about taste!
You can take all of that from me though and leave me with feta cheese, and Greek olive oil and I'll still be content.