Unfortunately I don't like to smoke half bowls, 5 minute pipes, and compromises of the sort. Yet, lately I have been so short on time, that I prefer a 15 minute smoking session than not at all.
While I agree that it is not the preferred way to enjoy a pipe, there are times when there isn't time. I keep a Missouri Meerschaum Pony Express with me for when I want a short smoke.
It's just fine. Often with a good size bowl full I'll get called away or distracted after ten or fifteen minutes, and leave it partially smoked. It's sometimes even better when I return a half hour, two hours, a day even, later.
I've just started my pipe smoking journey so any time I can get I'll gladly take. At work I have no problem using my 15 minutes down time to enjoy a smoke.
I'd suggest smoking your pipe however you wish. If you do not like a short bowl, don't do it. If you prefer long, contemplative bowls, do that. I've always considered the pipe to be something I enjoy on my own terms. I'm not here for the pipe! The pipe is here for me.
Sure, if 15 minutes is what you have, and you'd like a smoke. Like the above post says, you can smoke in installments, over a day or two, no big deal. Sure, I prefer a leisurely smoke, but sometimes a short puff is pleasing.
Of course, 15 minutes is better than nothing at all, yet as the undersigned, its that for why I do have smaller bowl pipes and even with these I don't always fill them up but only half,naturally when am going this way I feel they tend to smoke hotter&wetter
If I only had 15 minutes I would opt to not smoke. 45 minutes is about the minimum for me. I've been cut short before, only getting about 30 minutes in and just hitting the sweet spot before getting interrupted. I felt cheated and grumpy!